Capítulo 11

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Steve entered the bedroom and saw Natasha sitting on the bed, looking down, lost in her own thoughts. He approached slowly and squatted in front of her.

S: Nat?

Natasha looked Steve in the eye, she frowned and her eyes showed that she had been crying.

N: I remember. But I'm not sure.

S: You don't have to think about that now.

N: But what if I can't remember later, I... I remember him. I remember the day we were introduced. I was training fight alone, one of the officers brought him and introduced him. He was so different from what he is today.

Steve sighed softly, trying to hide his jealousy. He wanted Natasha to remember, it wouldn't be fair to her if he don't listen about the history of these two, even if that kills him inside.

N: I asked if he was ready for action and called him to fight. I seduced him since the first time I saw him.

Natasha was telling, as if it wasn't for her boyfriend, without any intention to hurt him, but she was. Rogers felt like a knife was crossing his chest when Natasha mentioned that she seduced Bucky.

N: I flirted with him for days, till the day he didn't resist and grabbed me. But I had planned it. I had no feelings, I seduced anyone for fun.

S: So you never felt anything for him?

N: No... I did. He realized that I was playing with him and turned away from me, but he was in love enough to always come back. It was when he was flirting with another girl and I felt jealousy, or was possession. I don't know... But that's when I noticed I was in love with him.

Steve stood, he was now no more hiding his frustration. He stood with his back to Natasha, walked to the wall, leaned his forearm on the wall and laid his head on his forearm.

Natasha just noticed she was talking too much when Steve moved away from her. She forgot that was talking about having had feelings for his best friend.

Natasha got up and approached him.

N: Steve.

S: Do you still have feelings for him?

N: Of course not, Steve.

S: You just remember, Natasha. They made you forget, Bucky told me. He's still in love with you, you know that?

Steve looked at Natasha, his gaze was pure jealousy.

N: I didn't know, but Steve doesn't matter.

S: Doesn't matter?

Steve turned to Natasha.

S: Of course it matters. Did you get involved with him first, you loved him and they made you forget, and now you remember, you can go back to him. You said you love him.

N: What? I didn't said that.

S: You did!

N: No! I said about the time that we met, Steve. It was years ago

S: But now he's back, the way is clear for you two, now that you remember.

N: What do you mean by that? The way is clear?

S: Are you going back to him?


Steve was quiet, Natasha looked at him shocked.

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