Capítulo 39

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Steve arrived at Sam's house, James was already asleep. Steve did not expect meet Carol Danvers at Sam's house.

Steve went to her and usually she is the one running to hug him, she has been distant.

S: You know... I miss your hugs.

Carol looked up from the floor to stare at Steve, she gave a small smile.

S: She gave no news yet?

Carol made negative head. Steve embraced Carol, who hugged him back.

S: I hate to see you like that. I promise, I will do my best to find her.

Ringer Sam's house rang. Everyone looked at the door and were surprised to see Jessica standing there.

Sam: Jessica!

Steve let Carol to greet Jessica, as well Sam and Bucky did. First Carol gave a big smile when she saw her best friend, then she became serious. She was feeling abandoned.

Jessica finished greet everyone and went to Carol.

J: Hey.

Carol looked at her and gave a half smile.

J: I know I don't deserve your friendship, and I have no excuses for my disappearance, but when I was...

Jessica was interrupted by Carol who jumped on her, hugging her friend. Jessica hugged her back. James appeared in the room, scratching his eye, totally sleepy.

James: Dad?

Sam: Oh oh did he just called you dad?

Steve was silent, he couldn't believe that James called him dad, it was the best day for Steve, he picked James and James laid his head on the shoulder of Steve.

Jess: My God, don't tell me that's James. Oh my God, how long I was out? He is huge! He's beautiful and red!

Carol: Jessica, I need to talk privately with you.

Carol took Jessica to Sam's room. Sam frowned.

Sam: What will you do in my room?

Carol: Talk.

Carol entered the room with Jessica and closed the door on Sam's face.

Sam: Hey, I just want to remind you that we have a child here.

Steve looked at Sam disapprovingly.

S: What are you suggesting? They are friends, Sam.

Sam: Friends... If I treat my friends like that, you can be sure that I'm not straight anymore.

B: Steve, what about the Avengers, when we return to training?

S: I don't know, Bucky. In fact, I don't want to get involved with Avengers anymore.

Sam: What??? Dude, no.

S: I have James now, I want him to have a normal life. His life has been greatly affected by my activities.

B: Are you talking about retiring?

S: Yes.

Sam: We can't be without the Captain America.

S: You won't.

Sam: I don't understand.

S: What do you think to be the new Captain America?

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