Capítulo 16

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D: Mr. Rogers, I'm sorry. I'll warn the FBI immediately and I will put my men looking for her.

Steve was thoughtful.

S: Delegate, you can wait until I check some information? Pass me your card that I contact you as soon as possible.

The delegate didn't understand Steve's attitude but handed his card to him.

P: Sir, I would like to go with you to help.

S: Thank you but is not necessary now.

Steve ran from the hospital and called Sam and explained what was going on, Steve asked Sam to meet him in his apartment.


Natasha passed out inside the helicopter and when she woke up, she was tied on a stretcher in a dark place, with lights failing. She didn't understand anything. She looked around, searching for Hill and didn't see her.

Natasha had noticed that she had wires connected on her belly and a monitor that was monitoring the baby's condition and her condition as well.

Now Natasha was nervous, Would Hill deceived her? What place is that?

A door opened, and a doctor came in, the same doctor that treated her when she was shot by the Winter Soldier. Right behind the doctor, Hill entered the room.

Natasha closed her hand tight and raised her head, it was the only part of her that was free.

H: Natasha, calm down. Do not push yourself.

N: What is this place? Hill! Where is Steve?

H: He doesn't know you're here.

N: He'll be worried, Hill, what are you doing?

H: I'm sorry, Nat. It's for your own good.

N: Why am I tied up? What are these wires?

Hill's cell phone rang.

H: I got go.

N: What? Hill, I swear I'll kill you if you let me here. Hill, my son.

H: Nothing will happen to your child, I assure you. I'll be back later.

N: No! Hill! Don't you dare leave me here!

Hill left the room. Natasha began to move to try to release her arms. The doctor came close to her and applied an injection on her vein. Natasha threatened him, but it was late, she was already asleep.


Steve arrived at his building. Sam and Bucky were arriving at the same time.

Steve looked at Sam disapprovingly.

Sam: Come on, man? Natasha is missing, we need all the help we can get.

Steve didn't look at Bucky's face.

S: Let's go.

As they climbed the stairs, Mrs. Johnson stopped them.

- Mr. Rogers! Did you hire constructors?

S: What?

Steve could hear the noise of things being dragged and falling on the his floor.

- Earlier, some strange men entered here. I asked what they're doing and that you were not at and they don't speak my language, I guess.

Steve and Bucky looked at each other.

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