Chapter 21

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Author's Note:

I am so sorry that it has taken me 3 long years to update this story.

Also, this story will be a Kathleen and Doctor Alina type of chapter...will update again soon! So please just be a little bit more patient with me! Thanks!

Chapter 21:

Mikhail came to wake me up at his normal time, eight o'clock a.m., but I couldn't get out of the bed. I was just too exhausted from the lack of sleep.

At first, Mikhail was concerned that something was even more wrong with me. Then he saw that I was just exhausted.

"If I may ask, Lady Kathleen, but when did you fall asleep?" He said as he closed my curtains further, to keep the bright morning light from my room.

"At five," I said tiredly.

Ugh. I only had about two hours of sleep.

"You should go back to sleep then," Mikhail murmured gently as I heard him pick up a tray. It was probably my morning tea.

"I will," I said as I snuggled under the covers more, bringing the blanket over my nose.

Mikhail left after that.

I don't know exactly, but I slept through the morning and most of the afternoon.

Mikhail came again to give me an early lunch-- and to inform me that Doctor Alina wanted to see me as soon as I was awake.

I sighed.

"Do I really have to see her?" I asked Mikhail as I ate my lunch at the round table, next to the window.

"You should," Was all that he said, what he could say. "Just so that you know you're okay."

"But I am okay," I looked out the window.

"I know that you are," His voice was gentle then, "but there are certain people that don't exactly know that you're okay."

"Do you mean Prince Ivan?" I turned to look into his eyes.

Mikhail nodded.

"He may not show it right now, but he is worried about you," He explained. "Before he knew about your heart murmur, he was concerned about your health. This just scared him even more."

"Scared," I repeated, confused. "Prince Ivan doesn't get scared," I added with a scoff.

"Oh he does," Mikhail laughed a little. "He just doesn't show it. Most of the time, he can't. There are too many people that look up to him."

I finished the last bit of my lunch.

"You may be right, I guess..." I trailed off, looking out the window one last time.

Before I left to go see Doctor Alina.

Once I reached her office in the infirmary, she immediately began another check up.

"I heard what happened in Nobel Michel," She said as she began to hear my heart through her stethoscope.

I didn't say anything. I just let her examine me.

"Can you tell me what happened in Nobel Michel, Kathleen?" She said as she wrote down notes on her clipboard.

"Everything was normal," I began, "but as soon as Prince Ivan and I danced I suddenly had this terrible pain in my chest. After I had almost fainted from the pain, my heart murmur didn't want to stop acting up."

"Did this ever happen to you?" She asked when I was finished. "Get sharp shooting pain in your chest, I mean?"

I began to shake my head, but then stopped myself.

"Once before," I stared into her eyes, "when my mother had passed away when I ten years old."

My mother's death had taken a toll on me when I was a lot younger. To the point where my father was forced to homeschool me. My heart murmur had always acted up more frequently then.

That was when I had fallen in loving with baking and because of it, my health had improved and I never had a problem with my heart murmur.

Until now, of course.

"Was this the time you had found out about your heart murmur?" Doctor Alina asked me after giving me a few minutes to myself.

I shook my head. "No, I've always known about the heart murmur in my heart. I was born with it and it never got better."

She nodded as she wrote a few more things on her clipboard.

"If I may ask, do you know what your mother had died of?"

"She--" I stopped as I blinked back tears. "My mother also had a weak heart. Everyone was surprised that she even had survived after giving birth to me, that was how weak her heart was...I guess her heart couldn't take it anymore when she had passed when I was ten years old."

Doctor Alina nodded. "So this heart murmur could possibly be hereditary-- in your case."

I nodded. "I never thought about it like that. I never had to. My mother's death was such a long time ago."

"Well, what matters now is that we're catching this before anything bad can happen." Doctor Alina said reassuringly.

I nodded, "but I can't figure out why my heart murmur is acting up again. I didn't wear a corset to Nobel Michel's Ball, so..."

"Were you anxious? Stressed?"

"No, I wasn't."

She nodded, "We may need to undergo some tests, like get a scan..."

I stopped listening to Doctor Alina after that. Undergoing tests and getting prodded at wasn't something that I wanted to do, but I also didn't want to keep having these fainting spells and sharp shooting pain in my chest.

After Doctor Alina was done talking, she called Mikhail to come and escort me back to my room.

"For Kathleen's sake, I believe she shouldn't be attending any type of party for a while," Doctor Alina told Mikhail before we left the infirmary.

Be My Princess 2 (FanFiction): Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now