Chapter 10

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The next day, I went to the Kitchens once I woke up and got ready for the day. I was determined that this time I will perfect the Prague Cake.

I was sure of it. That's what I was telling myself, at least.

"You seem to be very determined," The Pastry Chef commented once he entered the Kitchens a few minutes after me.

"M-Maybe," I admitted as I finished preparing the ingredients for the Prague Cake.

"That makes me happy!" He exclaimed. "You'll become a fine Princess one day, with this kind of determination that you have on things."

I pursed my lips into a tight line and just nodded.

That I have on things? I thought as I kept a smile on my face. I still can't think about being a Princess-- heck, or even a Queen-- to a Country one day.

Feeling a little disheartened, I get back to my baking, but the Pastry Chef's words bothered me a little. The only reason why I'm determined to perfect the Prague Cake is that I love baking, I love being a Pastry Chef. Even if I'm still in training.

If that time ever came, becoming a Princess, a Queen, could I do it? From the very beginning in all of this, I've always had my doubts. Yet, everyone around me doesn't. They see that if I put my heart and soul into something, I'll achieve it in the end.

Am I that easy to read? I thought. Well, of course I am. I've always been easy to read, especially when I'm engrossed in my baking. You could practically see it on my face.


When my first attempt, on that day, of the Prague Cake was finished baking, I taste tested it.

I sighed as I set my fork down.

You can still taste the rum more than the other liquors in the cake, I thought sadly.

For a while after that, I just studied the cake, standing there. Practically doing nothing.

Was I really that disheartened that I couldn't get the Prague Cake right? Wait, am I subconsciously quitting?

No! I shook my head. I can't quit! Not now. Prince Ivan wanted me to do this. He believed in me.

"If he believes in me," I rolled up my sleeves, getting down to business, "then I should believe in myself too."

Sure, the Prague Cake might not be as perfect, but that shouldn't stop me from trying again and again.

Newly found determination churned in my stomach as I carefully calculated each measure of the liquor, especially the rum.

I practically had my fingers crossed once I put my second attempt at the Prague Cake in the conventional oven.

"Please, please, be right this time, if not perfect." I whispered to myself.

The alarm on the cooking timer practically made me jump out of my skin, telling me my second attempt at the Prague Cake was finished baking.

Involuntarily, I held in my breath as I carefully got the cake out of the oven with baking mittens.

With a shaky hand, I nervously taste tested the second attempt of the Prague Cake.

My eyes lit up.

"Yes!" The second attempt was a success!

As both relief and triumph took over me, I felt my knees slightly go weak.

Now, all I have to do is make this again on the day of the Ball.

Sure, I could most likely make the Prague Cake as perfect as this again, but that was easier said than done.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I'm going to stop here for now.

Hope that you liked this chapter!

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Until the next chapter, my lovelies!

P.S. I apologize for uploading this now. I've been really busy with work :3

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