Chapter 9

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One day, Prince Ivan and I were in his office, having tea together, when he brought up an upcoming party that we were going to have in a couple of days.

The "we" stumped me a little. Was I already a part of Sanct Sybil?

Pfft, of course you are, duh, that's why he chose you as his potential bride.


I heard Prince Ivan cluck his tongue irritably, which brought me out of my thoughts.

"Are you done?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Done with what?" I gave him an innocent look, which only seemed to have irritated even more.

"Going off into your own world and thinking." He snapped. "When I'm talking to you I should have your undivided attention, as I would give you mine."

"I-I-I- am giving you my undivided attention..." I trailed off when Prince Ivan gave me a pointed look.

He sighed. "Anyway, as I was saying--" He paused, to see if he had my undivided attention, all of it at least. "--We're having this party, a Ball of sorts, and I was thinking that you should help make the dessert. If you want to."

My eyes widened with surprise.

"Really? Are you sure?"

Prince Ivan smirked and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure." He took a sip of his cup of tea.

"Thank you!" I tried to hide the growing smile on my face, but in the end I just couldn't help but grinning like an idiot.

For the half a month that I've been here, all I've ever really done was bake for the heck of it-- well, to keep up the practice as a Pastry Chef.

Now, I get to help the pastry chef of Sybil Fortress with the Balls desserts.

"Wait," A thought just came to me.

Prince Ivan gave me a questioning look.

"What if I'm not good enough? To help with the desserts for this party? I mean, I'm sure there will be a lot of important people there--"

"I know that you can do it." He chuckled. When I gave him a questioning look in return, he continued, "I've tasted most of your desserts."

"You have?" I stare into his clear blue eyes.

He nodded. "Yes, I have. Now, there's no need to doubt yourself. You'll do fine. That, I believe."

"Thank you," I said again, but this time it was in a quiet voice.

After that, I stayed in his office for awhile once we were done having tea together. Then, I went to the kitchens to help the Pastry Chef with some ideas.

The Pastry Chef had a few ideas for the party. When he had found out that I was allowed to help him, orders by Prince Ivan, he made sure to leave a few slots for my own ideas.

"You don't have to do that." I blushed. "I'm already happy that I'm helping you."

"Ah," He gave me a knowing smile, "but I want you to contribute too! I love the passion while you're baking. It would be a shame if you just helped and not contribute anything."

"O-Okay," I nodded. "I'll do my best to think of something amazing."

"I know that you will."


After visiting the Pastry Chef in the kitchens, I went back to my room to come up with ideas. Like, always, I didn't think of anything right off the bat. At least, nothing that sounded at all good to me.

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