Chapter 3

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We stopped by my apartment before we left for the airport. So that I could pack a few things to take with me to Sanct Sybil.

Just before we had arrived at my apartment. Mikhail said that it wasn't necessary for me to pack a suitcase filled with clothes. Clothes would be provided. All I needed to worry about was to take a few precious things, stuff like that.

I didn't know when I would come back to Nobel Michel, but just in case I snuck my teddy bear into my carry-on bag while Mikhail was on the phone in the kitchen.

From what I could hear, it sounded like Mikhail was making sure that my apartment would be taken care of while I was gone.

Well, isn't that sweet, I thought sarcastically as I made sure I had enough memorabilia.

Okay, maybe I probably shouldn't take my teddy bear...but as embarrassing as this may sound, I just can't sleep without him.

I felt my cheeks slightly burn from the thought of Mikhail or Prince Ivan finding out about Mr. Teddy-- yes that's his name-- especially Prince Ivan.

Mr. Teddy was precious to me. He was the one thing that reminded me of my parents, mainly my mother.

"Are you ready, Miss Kathleen?"

Gently, but firmly, I slapped my cheeks before turning to Mikhail.

I pasted a smile on my face. "Yes, I'm ready now."

Mikhail nodded and took my carry-on bag, to carry for me.

The flight to Sanct Sybil wasn't so bad. It was the weather that I couldn't bear, and that was probably because I wasn't used to it. Not yet, at least.

Like I'll be here long enough to get used to the weather, I thought as Mikhail shrugged off his jacket and gave it to me.

"You don't have to do that," I protested.

Mikhail just ignored me and wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.

"I should have told you to pack a warm jacket. My apologies, Miss Kathleen."

"Well, thank you then." I followed Mikhail out of the airport and into a waiting car.

By the time we had arrived to Sybil Fortress it was already lightly snowing.

I took in the little white puffs of snow that were falling from the sky.

Never once did I see real snow falling from the sky before. This was a treat, in its own way.

"Mikhail?" I kept my eyes on the snowy night sky.

"Yes, Miss Kathleen?"

"Does it always snow here in Sanct Sybil?"

I heard Mikhail quietly chuckle. "Yes, Miss Kathleen, it does."

Huh, I guess staying here wouldn't be so bad after all. Hopefully.

When we reached Sybil Fortress, the snow had began to pick up, leaving almost an inch or two of snow on the ground.

As soon as the car stopped, Mikhail quickly led us inside the Castle.

Sybil Fortress's warmth had welcomely engulfed my body, to the point where I had to take off Mikhail's coat.

"Thank you, again." I said as I gave his coat back to him.

He took his coat and bowed his head.

"You are very welcome, Miss Kathleen."

Miss Kathleen. Yeah...we need to fix that...

"You know," I began as I followed Mikhail down the main hallway, "you can just say my name without 'Miss'. It's kind of weird for me..." I trailed off in the end, suddenly worrying if I had offended him or something.

However, it didn't look like I did.

All he did was nod and said, "Of course, I shall call you just 'Kathleen' then, Kathleen."

I smiled faintly. "Thanks," I blurted out for the third time.

Mikhail led me to a guest room.

"This will be your room." He explained as he gestured for me to enter first. I did.

On the king-sized bed, my carry-on bag was already there. Waiting for me.

I just nodded, in fear I would say a fourth "Thank you".

Mikhail left, to let me get settled in.

As soon as Mikhail closed the door behind him, I for Mr. Teddy out of my carry-on bag. I clutched him close to my heart.

I sat at the edge of the king-sized bed and looked around the bedroom. The room was quite big.

To my left, there was a desk, a vanity, and a dresser. To my right, there was an armoire and a door that led to a bathroom.

Despite the furniture, I somehow felt small.

Was this really happening? I thought as I laid on the bed on my back, and curled up into a ball-- still hugging Mr. Teddy. Did the Crown Prince of Sanct Sybil really choose me as his potential bride? Me, a commoner, a Pastry Chef in training?

I closed my eyes shut to keep away the tears.

This has to be a dream. It just has to be.

Before I knew it, I fell alseep while still holding on to Mr. Teddy. He always knew how to put me to sleep, even after fourteen years...when my mother had given me this teddy bear while she was dying.

Subconsciously, I felt a tear escape my eye.

Author's Note:

Sorry, if that ending of this chapter was kind of depressing. Kind of noticed, I can get depressing a lot while writing lol!

Hope you liked this chapter regardless!

Let's hope Kathleen will warm up to the idea of being with Ivan! She just had to, right?

Until next chapter, my lovelies!

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