Chapter 4

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Prince Ivan's POV:

Mikhail had come into my office to tell me that Kathleen was in her room getting settled in.

At first, I was surprised to hear that she had actually come here with Mikhail, seeing as she didn't want to stay for who I had chosen at Lord Nobel Michel's Castle-- out of all those women my advisers and ministers had chosen.

Seriously, what were they even thinking? Hand picking a bunch of women-- Noblewomen-- to be my potential bride? That's why we held the party, for someone to catch the bouquet. And it just so happened that Kathleen had caught my bouquet, even if it was on accident.

Accident or not, that has got to be some sort of sign right?

Before I decided to go to bed early, for once, I went to Kathleen's room. To visit her before she went to bed herself.

I knocked on her door, but there was no answer.

Was she going to ignore anyone? Is that how she's playing? Heck, is there even a game, a fight to battle with her? Maybe not, but who knows. Right?

A soft yellow glowed in the crack of the door to the floor. Her lights were still on. So she was obviously awake.

I knocked again before I decided to enter.

"Kat--" I began, but I saw her curled up in the middle of the bed, holding something close to her chest.

Okay, I thought as a smile crept onto my lips, maybe she's not awake.

When I approached her, I could see that she was holding a fluffy, brown teddy bear in a viselike grip.

I chuckled as I gently took her shoes off from her feet and pulled the blankets from under and over her, without waking her up in the process.

She stirred and muttered something unintelligible and rolled onto her side, subconsciously laying her teddy bear beside her.

Her teddy bear.

Out of all the things-- she has a teddy bear! I thought as I turned off her lights before closing the door behind me.

Kathleen's POV:

I woke up to the curtains drawing back, the sun's rays filling the bedroom.

Huh? Instinctively, I put the blanket over my head.

My eyes shot open and quickly sat up, giving myself a head rush.

I don't remember going under the covers, I thought as I felt around for Mr. Teddy. There he was next to me, just underneath the covers.

"Good morning," Mikhail said as he began to pour me a cup of tea. That's when I noticed that he was the person who had drew the curtains back.

Was he the one who had put the blanket over me? I thought as I gently took the tea cup from him.

"Thanks," I muttered before I took a sip of the tea.

Somehow, I felt like there was a double meaning when I had said that. I mean, if Mikhail had put me under the covers-- and took my shoes off for me-- then shouldn't I thank him. Still, saying it out loud, pointing it out like that, I don't know-- I would feel like an idiot thanking him for no reason. So I kept my mouth shut and just let Mikhail have a maid bring in breakfast for me.

"After you have breakfast and get changed for the day." He said as he went to the armoire. "His Royal Highness wants you to visit him in his Study. I'll show you where it is, so you don't have to worry."

I nodded and set down the empty tea cup on the night stand next to me.

Mikhail practically set out an outfit for me; cardigan, dress, belt, shoes, that sort of thing.

A "thank you" was in order, but I was interrupted by a swift knock at the bedroom door before a maid came in with a tray of food. When the smell wafted to my nose, that's when I realized that I hadn't eaten anything but breakfast yesterday.

So, at that moment, my mouth was practically watering.

Mikhail momentarily left me to have breakfast by myself and to get changed for the day.

I looked down at Mr. Teddy.

"Guess I'm going to have to hide you somewhere." I told him.

Finding a good hiding place for Mr. Teddy was definitely in order. He was my little secret after all.

Author's Note:

Or his he (Mr. Teddy)?

Thanks for being patient!

Hope you like this chapter! ^_^ Ivan is kind of "soft" it seems...hmm...I should change that! Lol xD

Anywho, until the next chapter, my lovelies!

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