Chapter 7

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One day, Mikhail came into the kitchen, looking for me, with an odd request-- well, more like an odd demand from Prince Ivan himself.

...I was to have a physical...???

"Uh..." I reluctantly followed Mikhail to the infirmary. "Can I have the reason as to why I need another physical, Mikhail?"

He gave me an apologetic look. "Prince Ivan just wants to be sure that you're healthy."

I frowned. Healthy...was it more to be sure if I could...

No, I thought as I shook my head in denial. That couldn't be.

Oh, but my gut feeling was telling be that it was so. The reason why I was getting a physical, on Prince Ivan's demand, was so that he was sure that I could bear children, and in most people's views you'd have to be "healthy" to have them.

I've never thought about having children myself. That just never crossed my mind, and now that it has. I don't exactly know how to feel about that.

There was no doubt that I felt conflicted at that moment now.

"Do I really need to get a physical?" I asked Mikhail when we stopped in front of the infirmary.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is there something that you need to tell me, Kathleen? About your health?"

My eyes widened. "No--" I stopped for a second there when I suddenly remembered the small hole in my heart that I was born with, that had given me a heart murmur. It never gave me any trouble, except I never did well under stress or pressure because of it.

"No," I shook my head. "There's nothing that I need to tell you about my health."

I felt like I was lying. Maybe I was, but my heart murmur was just a minor thing. It never gave me any serious problems.

Why was I so concerned then?

"Then there's no reason to worry about failing the physical." Mikhail opened the door for me and gestured for me to enter.

"Y-Yeah," I hesitantly entered the infirmary.

I was greeted by a woman that looked to be in her forties. Assuming by the white lab coat, she was the doctor to give me my physical.

Unfortunately, for me at least, I was right.

She began the physical and I hated every single part of it, but that was to be expected. I never really liked going to the doctors office, for anything. Heck, I didn't even like to set foot in a hospital without a reason.

Maybe that's because of my mother's death, I thought when the physical was finally over.

"Kathleen," The doctor wrote something on her clipboard, "may I ask you a question? It's rather personal, but it's a question that I must ask."

"What's the question?" I demanded in a somewhat irritated tone.

She smirked as she stared into my eyes. "Have you ever had sex?"

My eyes widened in horror.

"No, of course not." I turned around as my entire face blushed a deep red.

"I am sorry for asking you such a question, Kathleen. However, it was a much needed question."

"Did Prince Ivan tell you to ask me that question?" I asked, my back still turned to her.

"No," I heard her say. "More like from his advisors and ministers."

I turned to give her a confused look. "Why should it matter if I had? What, would that make me somehow tarnished for His Royal Highness?"

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