Chapter 23

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The next following week, Doctor Alina had me undergo a ton of tests, especially the heart scan.

By the end of that week, I was exhausted from all the testing. I almost wanted to postpone the heart scan, but I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter.

All of these tests had been performed in the Fortress's Infirmary. The heart scan was to be there also.

"This will be the last test, right?" I asked Doctor Alina tiredly.

She smiled faintly as she helped me get ready for the heart scan. Gently, she put the sensors in specific places on my chest.

"This will be the last test, yes, I promise." She murmured as she helped me lay down on the movable table of the CT Scan.

And with that, we started the heart scan. As the sensors sent information to the electrocardiogram, the CT scan was taking pictures of my heart and its valves.

I laid there still and waited until this whole thing was done.

After fifteen minutes or so, Doctor Alina moved the table out of the tube of the CT Scan.

Gently, she took off the sensors from my chest.

"Well," I prompted.

"It seems that your heart is as healthy as it can be," She said honestly. "But it will always be a weak heart, nonetheless. You have a hole in your heart-- I don't know if you know that, pretty sure you do-- and it isn't in a place where it can be deadly. So you're fine. You just have to live with the hole in your heart like you've been doing."

All I could was just nod. I knew that I had a hole in my heart, but I hadn't expecting it to still be there. My pediatrician had told my parents and I that it would close as I got older, but I guess it hadn't.

Then a thought came to my mind.

"Can I ask you something?" I looked into Doctor Alina's eyes.

She nodded, "You can ask me anything, Kathleen."

"Could I still have children? If I wanted to, of course."

"You could, yes," She said after a few moments of silence. "I just would recommend natural birth. You would have to have a C-Section. Otherwise, having children wouldn't be an option in your case."

I nodded.

"Also, if you were to want and have children," She continued. "Your pregnancy would be considered as a 'high risk pregnancy'."

"That's good to know," Was all I had said.

"You must be exhausted from this week," She said as she led me to her office. "You should take it easy today. Rest. I wouldn't recommend baking today."

I chuckled, "I don't think I want to do anything but sleep for a long while."

She laughed.

With that, I went back to my room.

Once my head had hit my pillow, I fell asleep. And I believe I slept for a really long time after that.

Prince Ivan's POV

Kathleen's Heart Scan had ended a while ago. I would have expected her to come by to my office-- to tell me the details, but I was sure that she had went back to her room. To rest.

She had looked a little pale, exhausted looking, from all of the tests she had to undergo for Doctor Alina.

Curious if she was sleeping at this moment. I made my way to her bedroom.

I knocked on her door, and there was no answer.

Quietly, I opened her bedroom door and walked inside.

There, she lay over her covers in a deep sleep.

I shook my head and sat down next her on the bed.

Gently, I pushed back a few strands of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

Before I left, I put a light blanket of her. Not wanting to wake her.

Be My Princess 2 (FanFiction): Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now