Welcome to Ouran (OHSCH)

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"Wake up sweetie, almost there." My mother's sweet voice echoed in my ear as she gently nudged my seat to wake up.

"Humm...?" Half awake, rubbing my eyelids to wake up.

She giggled softly. "We're here sweetie, welcome to your new home. Japan..."


My dear Grandfather John passed away a month ago. In his will he left my father his grade estate, with a grand total of 30 workers, 70 rooms, and a amazing yard. More like palace if you asked me. I always knew my family had money, we have 10 houses after all, but I never knew my grandfather was so... Rich! I never have seen his place before but from what I've heard sounds pretty large.

Anyways, my mom told me it would be a complete waste, and slap in the face if we didn't move into his "home". I don't blame her, after all it would be crude to just not move in to your own father's home, am I right? None of my family is actually Japanese, we are all American. But for some reason my grandfather wanted his company in Japan, along with his house of course. I always wanted to visit Japan, but I guess living there will have to do. Good thing we all learned Japanese!


After getting off our private jet, yes private, we hopped into a limo to take us to our new home. I swear grandpa really did live the life of Riley. I don't even really know what this man did to afford all of this. I think he owns couple THOUSAND banks!? Or maybe he invented Monopoly, seems fitting.Just then the limo came to a slight halt as a man, who I soon found out his name was Grey, opened the door for us and reviled grandpa's home.

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