Chapter 11: News Flash (2)

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I gently walked my way back to the host club, I assumed they would be back by now. Not with out stopping to use the bathroom. After I got out I headed straight to the club.

"Hey!" I waved to the group as I walked in.

"Where were you?" Kyoya asked smuggly.

"Uh... Bathroom why?" I moved my eyebrows.

"Really...?" That same smirk on his face, what was he getting to?

"Yeah, why that a problem?" I chuckled to myself. I think this whole host club is on drug, I swear.

"Nothing, nevermind. No reason." He waved his hand away.

"Wait, now you have to tell me." I got a little pissed.

"No just wondering where you were was all." He had a blank stare.

"Ok." I said but inside I knew he knew something.

I looked around the room and noticed they all had clients. I walked myself to a near by window that had seat next to it and sat down. I took out my scetch pad and continued to draw the wonderful flowers that I had done eairlier that day. Soon enough it became the end of the day. I closed my pad and stuffed it into my purse, with all the letters.

"Hey Tess!" Haruhi cried out to me.

"Hey!" I smiled. "Wanna hang out today, like over my place?" I noticed some girls gave me some death glares after I said that as they were leaving. I forgot that Haruhi was a "Boy."


"Daddy wants to come too!" Tamaki cried.

"What about us?" The twins eyed me together.

"Yeah we can spend the first day of summer together!" Honey beamed.





My eyes widened and I swear I had a twinkle in them. My mouth opened up into a huge smile. I couldn't contain myself.

"S-summer?!" I looked over to Honey all bright eyed and bushy-tailed.

"Yeah!" He gave me a closed eye smile.


"Nicole?" The group asked together.

"Oh umm yeah nothing." I blushed a little and waved my hand. Our summer here at Ouran is a lot different than schools in America. But Nicole's school had 2 weeks off for a vacation thing during our smmer. So for a week she would come over to Japan, we have been planning it for a while.

"So what do you say?" Tamkai asked.

"Why not!" I threw my arms in the air. I was so hyped. Who doesn't love summer.

Sun, Sea, Sand. Like hello?!


"Hey Mimi." I waved to her as I entered the room.

"Hello Tess.... And friends...?" She raised a brow at me as she set down a tea set on the dinning room table.

"Yeah brought some friends with me that ok?" I thumbed to them as they all walked in.

"No, not. at. all." She smirked at me when she said that in English.

"Mimi please." I responded in English as I rolled my eyes. She's such a girl.

"So! Which ones your boyfriend?" She said boyfriend real slow like. But this time she forgot to say it in English. My eyes widened and I blushed madly.

"Mimi WHAT?! NO!" I hissed blushing. The boys all looked at me with different expressions.

"L-Let's just go, ok." I moved past them and continued walking to the kitchen.

"I'm hungry!" Honey pouted. "got any cake?"

"No... but I can make you some. If you like?" I looked over my shoulder to him.

"YOU CAN BAKE!" He beamed.

"Sure, can't everyone?" I moved my brows. They all turned their heads to Tamaki, who by the way, was stairing out the window like an idiot. "Guess not." I chuckled.

"Wanna help Honey?" I smiled to the boy.

"DO I!?" I lifted him up and put him on the counter of the kitchen.

"You can be my taste tester then." I smiled again. "OK! Lets get started then!" I tied the bow to my fluffy apron and yelled.


"Few... We're finally DONE!" I flopped to the floor. May I just say that bakeing fucking CAKE with the host club is like performing open heart surgery on an ant. Also the fact the they also wanted cookies. Kill me.

"Thanks Tess-chan!" Honey skipped away with his cake in hand to the staires.

"GAH!" I put my hands in the air and flopped them back down. "ENERGY!"

"Tired Tess?" Hikaru looked over me.

I pouted and nodded sadly. Both Haruhi and I took cookies from the cookie basket.

"Wow Tess these are really good." Haruhi said biting into one of the cookies.

"You helped." I smiled, then halfway placed a cookie in my mouth.

"Oh Haruhi you got some on your cheek." Kaoru said, and licked Haruhi's cheek.

"Can I try one?" Hikaru looked at me. Before I could even reach he held the back of my head and pulled me closer to him. Our eyes met and he closed his and bit the other half of the cookie that was sticking out of my mouth. He pulled away and munched on it.

I covered my mouth and was firetruck red.

"You shady twins don't hurt my daughters!" Tamaki yelled with a wooden spoon in hand.

"If there was something on my face you could have just told me, I could have got it myself." Haruhi stated as if it were nothing.

"W-why did you do that?!" We pretty much were centimeters away from kissing. I was frozen in place.

"I wanted to try one." Hikaru said tiredly.

"From my mouth?!"

"Taste better that way." The twins said together linking arms. I was just a toy to them. I sighed.

The day ended with Tamaki pretty much trying to beat the crap out of Hikaru and Kaoru, Honey eating his cake as Teddy watched and listened, and Haruhi and I telling each other stories.

All in all it was a good last day of school.


Speeking of summer, it's summer guys!! Whoop whoop! That's why it's taking me so long to write by the way... (-_-;) sorry... But I'll be sure to update soon! Comment, vote, subscribe! And also visit any of my other stories. Tah Tah!!!

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