Chapter 21: Playing the death card

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'Where are you, I just got on the fourth floor. This mall is so big!' I texted Haruhi as soon as I reachedc the fourth floor.

'Meet me near the bakery.' She replied back.

"Bakery... sounds easy enough." I muttered to myself. Sadly I was deeply... DEEPLY wrong. Not only did the mall have a total of five floors, but also it was a giant maze. I crossed the same shoe store twice and I swear everyone looked the same by now. Was Igoing in circles the entire time?!

"Haruhi! Oh my god where is she? Where is this bakery? Ow! Why is like everyone here? Is it always this busy!? So many people, oh my god!" I paniced in my head, until I colided with a towering body. "Oh I'm sorry sir I was just-... Tamaki?"

"Tess, what are you doing in a place like this?" He questioned me.

"I could be asking you the same thing." I found the rest of the club following behind him.

"You ok? You like you have been crying." The blonde pointed out.

"Well I got lost and Haruhi was of no hel-"

"What!? My daughter is missing!? Where is she!?" He became frantic and grasped my shoulders.

"Well yeah we were to meet up at the bakery a-"

"I'm coming Haruhi!" Tamaki dashed down the hall, leaving me in his dust as the rest of the members followed after him.

"Tama-chan wait!" Honey and Teddy bolted down the hall as well.

"Boss wait up!" The twins nearly neck and neck with Honey and Teddy.

So there I stood. All alone. Once again. Lost.

"Awh fuck! COME ON!" I yelled in English as to not to disturb passing members. I turned on my heels and followed in the same direction I had started at.

Seven lefts, four rights, and a billion stairs I stood in front of none other than the fourth floor bakery.

"Hazah!" I threw my right fist into the air. "Made it." I shuffled in to the sweet smelling creation that was a bakery.

"Welcome, can I help you?" The nice cashier woman asked me.

"Umm.. Actually, did you happen to see a brunette girl, 15, about my hight, walk in here by any chance?" I asked politely.

"I believe so. She just left to go to a pet store with a strange blonde haired man, and a handfull of other handsome young men." She said pointing out the door to the left.

"Do you by happen to have a map of this place? Or know directions to there, please?" I begged.

"Sure thing."


I ended up leaving the store with the coordinates written on a napkin and a complimentary croissant, I guess I was nice or something? Anyways, I made my way down the first hallway glancing down at the scribble filled napkin, and followed its instructions.

"Even a map, I'm still hopeless..." I sighed to myself walking down a flight of concrete stairs. "It's a pet store, you think I would have heard barking or meowing? Something!" throwing my hands up in frustration. "Am I even on the second floor?" I dragged my feet across the now empty hallway. It seemed to be getting late and lots of stores were closing. I tried texting both Haruhi and Tamaki but it seems I was caught in a dead zone for service. 'Just my luck.' I thought.

A wonder of music and melody wizzed around my head; until I began humming a soft tune that was the only thing making me happy at this point. That is until I actually started to actually sing it out loud.

'Give me a second I,

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State

My lover she's waiting for me just across the bar

My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar, and

I know I gave it to you months ago

I know you're trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things

The holes in my apologies, you know

I'm trying hard to take it back '

I skipped across the halls tiled floors and daced a little to myself. I slowed down and the soft part.

'So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I'll carry you home...'


'We are young

So let's set the world on fire

We can burn brighter than the sun'

I hummed the rest down the hallway, happy as a clam.

"Tess-chan!" Honey's voice blew out my eardrums.

"Honey, hey!" I smiled at the little guy. "Hiya Teddy!" I waved to the giant as well. "Where were you guys I was looking every where for yo-"

"BARK!" A giant golden retriever with a bright red bow around it's neck ran full speed up to me and tackled me.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! G-Get it off me!" I cried.

"Why it likes you!" Tamaki smiled at me.

"Are you fucking serious right now?!" I spoke like a sailor right in his face.

"Listen young lady using that language is not very lady like." He tisked.

"Are you thick skulled or something?! What part of 'get this thing off me' don't you understand?!" I coughed.

"Gee fine Miss sassy pants." Tamaki pulled the dog away and I pulled myself up on my feet and got as far away from that thing as I could. I coughed heavily for a good 2 minutes until Tamaki and his dumbass brain finally understood my situation. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Tess! I forgot you were allergic!" He ran up to me.

"You think!? And don't come near me you might have dog hair on you!" I pointed out. I felt my breathing to get heavier and talking became a thing of the past. "AHHHHH!!!" I screamed... for what I could that was. I booked it down to were I could see an exit sign.

"Tess wait up!" They called out. I quickened my pace and made a mad dash to the stairs and flew down them with grace. Two stories are a piece of cake when your adrenaline is through the roof. It was a basic life or death match right now.... a death seemed to be the winning card right now.


What's this!? A CLIFFHANGER!? Why would I do that? MWHAAHAHAAHAHAH!!! Oh man you guys totally hate me now I bet. But before you kill me I just wanted to thank you for keeping up with the story and such and such. Thanks for all the votes and comments. I think I reached 1K READS!!! WOOP WOOP!! This chapter is for all the people out ther who are supporing me all the way! Thank you all so much and comment your feels. BIEEEE!!!!

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