Chapter 8: Ride along

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After waking up and eating breakfast it was time to leave. We all repacked our things and headed to the limo that was parked outside.

"Woah Tess!" I heard Kaoru say.

"Yeah I know.... Don't talk about it." I said coldly. I got pretty tan this weekend, and apparently it was quite noticeable.

"I think she looks nice!" Honey said to me.

"Thanks!" I ruffled his hair a little and took my seat in the limo. I sat at the end near the window. While Honey took the seat in front of me, next to Mori. While Haruhi sat in the middle of Mori and Kyoya. Hikaru sat next to me and Kaoru, and Tamaki at the end, near the window.

"How did you sleep, Haruhi?" I smirked.

"Fine." She said blankly. She's no fun.

"And you?"

"Meh..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Why's that?" Honey asked.

"I don't know..." Lies, lies, lies, all lies!!! I couldn't sleep because the whole Hikaru thing couldn't let me sleep.

"How about the rest of you?"

"The thunder kept me up fora while." Honey said, while Mori nodded in agreement.

"I bet it made you sleep soundly." I said smirking in the direction of Kyoya.

"Yes... It actually did, how did you know?" He pushed his glasses up.

"Lucky guess." I snickered.

"What about you two?"

"We slept fine." The twins cheered together. I forgot they shared a bed. It must be nice sharing a bed with someone every night? Or maybe that's just me...?

The next hour of the car ride consisted of everyone talking about their families. Everyone's seemed so.... Big and fancy. Well except Haruhi's of course. Even then they all had interesting stories like oh my grandparents met in Paris on a bridge, got married in England in the castle, had children in the White House. Like it was basically something like that. It ended up sounding like a really bad mock of a Nicolas Sparks romance novel.

"-and that's our story!" The twins ended together.

"combien pour vous..." I rolled my eyes, sarcastically.

(How great for you...)

Tamaki's ears perked up.

"You still remember?" He looked over to me.

"Pourquoi ne ferais-je?"

(Why wouldn't I?)

"What?" The twins echoed together.

"French." I stated.

"Wait- wait, wait... HOW many languages can you speak?" Kaoru asked.

"Let's see.. 1..2.. 4! I can speak four."

"You can?!" Everyone asked.

"English, Français, Nihonjin, and Deutsch."

(I'm using google translate so if some of these are not spelled correctly, I tried ok. (English, French, Japanese, and German))

They all looked at me puzzled.

"English, French, Japanese, and German." I laughed.

"Wow! You're so cool Tess-chan!" Honey beamed.

"Yeah, I guess..." I shrugged.


Everyone had fallen asleep by now, even Kyoya. I was wide awake, sadly. I'm not the best at falling asleep on moving vehicles. Unless it's like a 9 hour drive or something. I continued to stare out the window until a felt a push on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Hikaru passed out on my shoulder, how cute. I moved myself to make myself comfortable. You know, I used to think he was an idiot and a jerk. But now, he seems nice. I took my hand and rested it on the crown of his head, playing with a few strands of hair. Why does everyone look so perfect when they are asleep? I sleep in the most unladylike of ways. One time I slept on the opposite end of then bed, another time my hair was everywhere. It was just a mess...


So ill be taking a short break from the story because I need to continue my new Fiolee one sooooo enjoy for now!!

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