Chapter 20: Last day

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"What do you want?!" I wined and slumped my shoulders down. I just crushed my friend in Mario Party don't mess up my happiness....

"Nice to see you too." Hikaru walked in.

"He's a little angry from not sleeping enough, don't mind him." Kaoru walked in.

I mean I would be angry too if SOMEONE woke me up to come to some chick's house. Wait what time is it?!

"So no one is answering my question." I remind them as they all pile back in.

"Hi Tess-chan!!!" Honey ran up and hugged my lower leg.

"Nice to see you as well." I smiled down to him.

"Tess are you talking to yourself again what's going on-" Nicole walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. "Oh hello..?" She gave me a look of 'really?' I just sadly nodded.

"Hello Nicole. It's so nice to see you agian." Tamaki put a rose in her face. Nicole gave me a grotesque look.

"Ey Tamaki, what I say about flirting with my girlfriend." I rose a brow at him.

All the hosts head flipped to me in a second flat with shocked faces.

"What?" I chuckled at their faces.

"Y-you're.... she's....?" Tamaki blubbered.

I bursted out laughing. He had on the dumbest face on, I couldn't keep it in.

"No but seriously don't touch her." I laughed inbetween my words. These guys.... "Come along Boo we need to finish making our food!" I locked arms with Nicole and we happily skipped away back into the kitchen.

"No way..." I heard the host club members mutter.

I grabbed my knife once more and Nicole grabbed her chips and we began or process before we were so rudly inturupted. I peanut buttered two slices of bread and another one with jelly and another with Fluff.

"Here is your peanut butter and fluff sandywitch." I smiled goofly like.

"Don't call it that." She deadpans. We chuckled together. I spot the host members looking at us behind a wall. They all had their heads sticking out of the corner.

"You're so cute." I bit into my food.

"No I'm not." She huffed angerly biting into her sandwitch. "But you are."

"W-what?! You never call me cute, it's always the other way arond." I freak a little.

"Yeah but it's true." she states raiseing her eye brow like I was some idiot that could count to five.

"Awww thankies Nicole!! You're so nice!" I hugged her.

"Yeah yeah..." She finished her sandwitch and finally notices the boys oddness. "What are they doing?"

"Oh I don't know some fucked up shit opr something..." I bite into the sandwitch once again.

"Mkay then. Hey want to play another round of Mario Party?"

"Why not Mario Kart?" I smirk chewing on the bready goodness.

"Fuck no, that's even worse!" She threw her hands up. "Atleast with Mario Party I can get stars and coins, but Mario Kart it's either you do or you don't win... and I don't" Nicole huffed.

"Wanna see if the weirdos wanna play?"

"What so you can murder some more people?" She looked at me.

"Nah lets play a trick on them thinking they CAN beat me." I make an evil grin at her.

"HELL YEAH!" We jumped into the air and high fived. You know like those people from those movies and stuff. I grab a water from the fridge and we walk over to them.

"Yeah boys you wanna play some video games with us?" I smiled at them, but they were all mummbiling together.

"No I ship her more with Haruhi." Kaoru stated.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER!!" Tamaki flipped.

"But she's kinda your daughter as well." Hikaru added.

"Incest?" I ask, they all turn to me. "So whatcha talking about?" I tile my head to the side.

"Who we ship with y-" The twins begin but Tamaki places his hand over their mouths.

"Wait what was that?" I give a disgusted look at them sipping water.

"I'm pretty sure they think we would make a cute couple." Haruhi stated. I almost chocked on my water from laughing.

"Well then I'm pretty sure I'd have to be the guy in that relationship." I stated smiling. Man these guys really get to me.

"I don't know." She smiled to me. "Besides you two look better together." Haruhi pointed to Nicole and I.

"Yeah Nicole is deffinatly the guy for that one." I pointed out.

"You guys are cute together." Honey beamed.

"I mean... I guess so...?" I look over to Nicole. "They think we would be a cute couple." I filled her in.

"I mean... I guess so...?" She makes the same face I made.

"That's what I said, but don't you think we are two different?" I point out to her.

"Well I guess but if we were to alike then the couple would just be a hot mess." Nicole states.

"True." I agree.

"So for how long?" Tamaki asked.

"How long what?" I take a swig of my water.

"Have you two been dating?"

I spit out my water in frount of me and literally die on the floor.

"W-what did they say?" Nicole asked me from above.

"T-they.... they think... we're d-dating! OH MY GOD!" I started crying and Nicole laughing only added to my laughter.

"OH MY GOD I CAN'T! WHO ARE THESE IDIOTS!?" Nicole burst in a fit slaming her fist to the floor.

"HHAHAAHAHHA!!!" I cried rolling all over the hard wood flooring.

After a good 5 minutes of dieing I got up with Nicole and just shake my head to the guys.

"Guys, we're not... dating." I smile trying my hardest not to burst out once agian. Nicole was fighting it off as well.

"B-But said she-"

"I said she was my girlfriend, damn I really didn't think you guys would take it seriously." I shake my haed again. How dence are these guys?

"Oh... sorry." They all apologize to us.

"It's cool, we've been called sisters before. It's really different." I stated.

"That still mean I have a chance?" Tamkai got really close to my face tilting my chin up.

"U-uughh umm.." I stare into his purple orbs. They were so beautiful, it's hard to look away. And I can feel my face heating up.

"She wouldn't date you." The twims laugh at him.

"They is so not true! Tess you would date me right?" Tamaki pleaded.

"Ummm... oh wow this is awkward." I looked around the room. Were they really putting me on the spot like this? "Well I don't me to friend zone you Tamaki, but you are like a brother to me. But I mean I guess if I didn't know you for so long and didn't think of you like that..." I brathed in a lot of air. "I-I guess so..." I blushed.

"What about me Tess-chan!" Honey ran over to me.

"Why of course! I would marry you in a heart beat!" I ruffled his little golden curls.

"YAY!" Honey smiled wide.

"So video games?" Nicole asked me.

"Oh yeah right, do you guys wanna play so video games with us?" Then it struck me. "Y-you guys... have played video games befor... right?"

"Oh yeah of course yeah! Yeah! yup! We totally have!" They all shouted together.


"The name of the game is Mario Kart.You guys think you can handle that?" I showed them the Double Dash box.

"Yeah totally bring it on!" The twins shouted at us.

"Well alrighty then." I pushed the power button and made it go to the game cube game. "So here's your controller and here's yours." I handed them to both.

We all pick our characters and I ask everyone which cup they want to play. Of course they pick the hardest one...

Nicole sends me a scared smile and I return it with a grin. Let my plan begin.

"Awh, you have to pick the hardest one!?" I wined.

"To scared?" Hikaru snickered.

"Afraid will beat you?" Kaoru added.

"Pft... No.." I bite my bottom lip to show how 'terrified' I am. I see the grin form on the twins faces. That will wipe off their faces.

Right as the 3rd light goes green I bust right into first. I guess they take it as luck, but oh no pure skill baby!! Let the games begin!!


After purely creaming every host member at Mario Kart I think they now understood how bad ass I really was at it.

"I would have won if... If..." Hikaru began.

"If what, I didn't?" I snickered.

He just pouted at me. He's so cute!

"Whatever." Hikaru huffed as we all piled down stairs.

"Thanks for having us over Tess-chan!" Honey smiled at me.

"Anytime you like Hun." I crouched down to his level and patted his blonde head. "You too Teddy."

"Yeah." His deep voice spoke.

"Yeah thanks." Haruhi agreed.

"No problem." I hugged her.

"Bye Tess!" The group left.

"Now... Time for you to go to the airport." I spun around to Nicole.

Nicole and I, and the host club, all had a fun day I would say. They were all so bubbly and fun as usual. But it was sad that I had to say good bye to my BFF and who knows when I'll see her again. Hopefully soon.

Heyyy guys! Sorry I'm so late with this, my plan was to get it done like 3 days ago... But then I went away for the weekend and just... Ahhh!! Sorry again! Anyways I really want to thank each one of you for all the votes and comments, an for you all keeping up with the story! You all are wonderful! So tell me what you thought and Ill read what you have to say. Oh and one last thing, be prepared for some upcoming fluff with you know who!! Mwahahhaha!!! Thank you, bieeee!!!

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