Chapter 9: Hospi-pals

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After I got home I needed to shower, plus it was already 7.

"How was it?" My mom asked as she opened the door.

"Really fun, the hotel was huge!" I made my hands spread.

"Who went?" She sat next to me on the bed.

"You know Kyoya, Honey, Mori, The twins, Haruhi.... Tamaki..." I said the last part quietly.

"Tamaki?! Like Tamaki, Tamaki? I haven't seen him in ages, bring him over sometime!" My mom giddily got up.

"I'm going to shower." I pointed to the bathroom with my thumb.

"Dinner is ready when you are!" She sang as she left.

I quickly got up and scurried over to the bathroom and removed my outfit. Turing on the hot water and jumping in. The water felt nice as I washed my hair... Until, it happened again.

Ever since probably, 7th grade, I get these cramps I'm the shower and try don't stop until I get out. Weird I know. But it was more powerful today, and my vision became blurry. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel and left the room. I had a feeling of what was coming, so I opened my bedroom door, and my mom was already half way down the flight of stairs.

"Mom..." I spoke softly.

"Yes, I thought you were going to take a-" she stopped when she saw my face.

"Oh my!" She quickly ran up the stairs and held me tight. She started yelling something, and shadowy figures came rushing to my aid. Then I blacked out.


I woke up with a pounding in my head, and an ache in my stomach. I gently rubbed my head and stood up, and fluttered my eyes open.


"Oh good you're up!" A nurse cheered.

"Did I faint?" I asked the woman.

"Yes, would you like me to call in your guests?" I nodded. Soon after my family came stomping in.

"Hey how yeah feelin' there?" My dad asked.

"Hu... Better." I sighed.

"You look bad." My brother Kurt stated.

"Thanks." I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"Well get some rest, we will be back in the morning ok?" My mom and my father kissed my forehead goodbye. Surprisingly Bruce came over and hugged me and Kurt gave me a high-five and a teddy bear. I looked over to my night stand. It was filled with cards and flowers and a ballon too.

'Who are you people..?' I thought to myself. Until I opened the cards.

"Mimi, some maids, parents, ... Important people?" I guessed on the last one as unfamiliar names came up. To my luck the fancy people one had a 50 dollar check. WHAT UP!!

"Oh um... Excuse me nurse?" I asked the woman as she was writing something on her clipboard. She looked up at me.

"What time, is it...?" I furrowed my brows. How long was I out?

"Only 4."She stated with a smile.

"In the afternoon.

GAHH!!!! Really!?

"Well so, am I going to be ok? How long do I have to stay here?"

"Possibly for a few days, also you may have cramps if you strain yourself too much. So don't get emotional." She smiled.

Just then a knock at the door sounded. The nurse nodded and opened the door and left.

"Tess-chan!" I heard a familiar cutesy boy's voice sing.

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