Chapter 17

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Maddie's POV
Finally I get to get out of this bed in the hospital. It's been literally 2 weeks and everyone kept coming everyday asking if I was ok. Where I got stabbed wasn't fully healed but I was fine. I signed a few papers and walked out. I decided to text Taylor to pick me up.
M- Taylor can u plz pick me up I just got out of the hospital
T- Finally I was wondering u would get out of there, I'll be right over
M- kk
Right as I finished texting Taylor was aldready here.
"That was fast." I say.
"I got secrets u don't know." He says and I just smile and get in the car.
"Want to come over to my house my dad is at work and my brother is with Mathew and Jennifer." I say.
"Umm let me check my schedule.....of course I would." He says and kisses me on the forehead.
We finally get to my house and I just throw all my things on the floor.
"So what u want to do now?" He asks.
"Maybe I'll make dinner, u wanna help?" I ask.
"I don't know how to cook." He says a little embarrassed.
"Its ok I'll show u." I say and he nods.
"First of all when cooking u need to wear a apron." I say and hand him a pink and white polka dotted apron.
"Really?" He says and I try holding my laughter.
He started getting the things out to make dinner.
"TAYLOR!" I yell and turns to me and I take a picture.
Of course he didn't want anyone to see the picture do he tries to take it away from me.
"U are gonna regret this." He says and I started running around the house.
I found my secret spot and hid there for a while. He didn't seem to come so I tried to sneak out quietly until...
"SUPRISE!" He yells and I scream.
"Shit Taylor u scared the crap outa me." I say and he laughs.
I tried walking away if like nothing happned and then he put me on his shoulders.
"Who said u would get away." He puts me on the couch and starts tickling me.
"Ta-taylor stop I'll de-delete it." I managed to say through my laughter and deleted the picture in front of him.
"I finally found your weak spot." He says and I just chuckle a little and go to the kitchen and finish dinner with Taylor.
Matthew's POV
What are we supposed to do with a kid?
"U want Burger King?" I yell randomly cause I was hungry.
"YAAASSS!" He yells and gets his sweater.
"Matthew we can't give him that it unhealthy." Jennifer says.
"Huh like u eat healthy." I said.
Oh wait ...shit this is Jennifer. Well I'm fucked.
"Excuse me?" She says.
"You should run now." Maddie's brother said.
I put him on my shoulders and ran out.
"MATTHEW GET BACK OVER HERE." Jennifer says and I stop.
She catches up losing breath from the run while maddie's brother is laughing his ass off.
"Uhh geesh u should slow down. Oh and never say that to me again or u are doomed." She said and me and maddie's brother nodded.
"Let's go to the fair." She says and we both say yes.
I'm lucky she didn't get mad this time.
Mary's POV
I need a plan. Oh but wait I can't make a plan cause maddie's dad is there so fuck. What do I do what do I do? I got it and this can't fail now. I will get my revenge and kill her.
Maddie's POV
We were eating and watching netflix.
"Did u love mary before this all happened?" He said and I just sighed.
"I guess but now she is just a monster." I say.
"Why don't u call the cops on her or do something about it." He says and getting me a little mad.
"I've tried that before and did that work out?" I ask and he looks at me.
"Hey none of this wouldn't have happned if u never went in the car with her." He says and I start picking up all this anger from me.
"Maybe u should leave this in my own business besides when I went in the car with her u were still bullying me." I say.
"Maybe u should calm the the fuck down geesh it wasn't my fault ok it was Camerons and we just realized that he is your cousin, maybe the doctor to out a part of your brain since u can't remember." He says and I was now hurt and angry.
"U know what?" I say raising my voice a little.
"What." He says.
"Maybe I should have let Nash kill me before u even saved me!" I yelled at him.
Taylor's POV
"Maybe I should have let Nash kill me before u even saved me!" She yelled at me.
I saw her crying and I was hurt.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
"I'm so-" She cut me off.
"Don't even try jut get out." She said and pointed at the door.
"But." I say and she raises her voice.
"NOW!" She yells at me.
"I'm sorry." I mumble to myself and leave.
Maddie's POV
Uhh what's wrong with me what am I doing. I heard Taylor say sorry to me. I am such a bitch just because I over reacted. I would never let Nash kill me I just want to stay with Taylor but now I just blew it. I should call Jennifer to see if my brother is ok.
"Helllllooo." She says and makes me laugh a little.
"Hi Jennifer is my brother ok?" I ask.
"Yeah he is ok we ar- shit Matthew get him down from there we are going to get on trouble, sorry yeah he is fine." She says.
"Is everything ok?" I ask.
"Umm yeah su- Matthew get your ass down from there." She said and made me laugh.
"Sorry handling two boys is harder than u think." She says and made me laugh harder.
We talked for a good 20 min and she said she went on the ferris wheel.
"Like I was telling u Matthew just can't contr- fuuuckk." She said.
"We are at the top and the ride stopped working." She says and made me laugh.
"Well I'll call u later." I say and hang up.
Uhh I should take a nap.
Jennifer's POV
Uhh handling two boys is hard. We just got stuck on the ferris wheel and then I realized, why am I up here I'm afraid of heights. Shit. Maddie's brother was at the bottom waiting for us and Matthew was smiling at me.
"Matthew how did we get up here in the first place?" I ask holding onto the side so I wouldn't fall.
"Well u were on the phone so much I decided that maybe you would hang up if we went on and you agreed anyways." He said and started moving the seat.
"Mattt!" I practically yell scared.
"What." He said and looked at me.
He then stopped cause he saw that I was scared.
I looked down and felt a little dizzy.
"I didn't know know u were afraid of heights." He said and hugged me.
I hugged back but tighter.
The ride finally started to move again and we got to the bottom.
"I think it's time to take maddie's brother back." I say and he refuses.
" I want to win him and u a teddy bear." He says and I turn around and see a pink and blue teddy bears.
"Ok." I say and he laughs.
"I want the blue one." Maddie's brother said.
"I want the pink one." I say and Matthew pays the guy and starts playing.
Of course he won. He gave me the blue one and maddie's brother the pink one.
"I want the pink one." I whine.
"Is want the blue one." Maddie's brother whines as well.
"Wanna trade?" I whisper to him and he nods.
We traded bears and I hugged mine tight.
"Hey I saw that." Matthew said and I laugh.
"That's the point." Maddie's brother said making me laugh even more.
After that we took him back to his house.
Esmi's POV
I'm walking home right now from the store and see this guy following me. I start walking faster and he does the same. I then start running and he catches up and puts a cloth over me and I pass out.

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