Chapter 26

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Maddie's POV
I woke up with taylor's arms around my waist till I felt a huge cramp. Fuck it's that time of the month again.
"Fuucckkk!!!" I practically yelled.
Taylor then woke up.
"What's wrong." He groaned.
"Well let's see I have a huge cramp and ran out of important things." I said.
"Oh no." He said and got out of bed.
"Its that time of the month." I sang.
"Do u need me to buy those .....stuff girls you know need?" He said.
I laughed.
"They are called tampons and yes thank u." I said.
He then left and these cramps were killing me. I went to take a quick shower and put on some sweats and one of Taylor's shirts. I went to the living room and saw everyone on the couch. There was litterally no where to sit.
I then look at Matt and Carter.
"Move." I said kindly.
Like normal boys they didn't.
"I said MOVE!!!" I yelled at them and they gave some space to sit.
"Where the fuck is Taylor?" I asked.
"He went to the store." Gilinsky said.
"What is wrong with you lady?" Matt asked.
"Do you want to know what's wrong with and get hit with this lamp or go sit somewhere else and mind your own buisness."I said holding the lamp over his head.
He then moved and Carter did the same.
"I'm hungry get me a snack Gilinsky." I said.
"Get it yourself." He said.
I then throwed the remote at him.
"Oww ok lady fine geesh." He said and I smiled.

Taylor's POV
I finally got the stuff maddie needed and went to pay for it. I went to the register and the lady looked at what I was buying and looked at me confused.
"Its for my girlfriend." I said embarrassed.
She just went with it. I eventually got out and went to but some chocolates and advil. I then went back and opened the door till I saw everybody hiding and a mess. Maddie was sitting in the couch till she saw me.
"Omg finally you got here." She said and snatched the bag that had the girl stuff and went to the bathroom.
"Taylor try controlling your woman she threw a dam remote at me." Jack said.
"She also broke the lamp and mugs." Eli said.
I just started laughing and put the chocolates and stuff on the table.
Maddie then came out.
"EVERYBODY HIDE!" Mahogany yelled.
They all hid except me, I ain't afraid of he-
"You better have got me chocolate or else you will be wishing u never met me." She said and I got scared and pointed at the kitchen.
I then started hiding next to Jennifer.
"Are girls always like this in there time of the month?" I asked.
"No, well, yeah actually just do what they say and you will be safe." She said and I nodded.
Mahogany then started walking towards maddie.
"Maddie, sweety you need some rest drink your pill and hit the hay ok." She said and leaded her to her room.
Everybody got out and started cleaning.
We got bored after a while and we decided to play truth or dare.
We all got in a circle in the basment and I started it off.
"Truth or Dare ummm Eli." I said and she looked at me.
"Umm truth." She said.
"Is it true that you are in love with Jj." I said and she started blushing.
Jj then gave her a tight hug.
"Yes it's true." She said and we awwed at her.
"Ok ummm Carter truth or dare." Eli said to him.
"Dare." He said firmly.
"I dare u to prank call pizza hut and then order us a pizza." She said.
"Good enough." He said and started dialing the number.
It then started to ring and on the 3 ring the picked up. He put it on speaker.
"Pizza hut how may we take your order." A lady said.
"Umm yes hello I was wondering if you could sign my hand I am a big fan." He said with a high pitch voice.
"I'm sorry are your parents here?" She asked and we all started cracking up.
"I'm sorry can we get 2 large pizzas." Carter said.
"Ok thank you." She said and hanged up.
"Ok enough of that let's carry on." He said.
"Gilinsky truth or dare." He said.
"Truth." He said.
"Have u ever had a girlfriend?" He asked him.
"Yes but you guy will freak out once I tell u guys her name." He said.
"Tell us." We all said at the same time.
"Madison." He said and we all looked at him shocked.
"You dated Madison?" We heard a voice and it was Maddie.
"U actually dated that bitch." She said.
"Yeah I'm sorry I then dumped her cause turns out she is a slut, she kept keeping secrets from me and always talking about Aaron Eli Jj and u." He said.
"Well I'm glad it's over." She said.
"Yeah u won't be hearing from her for a long time." Matt said.
"Yeah a real long time." Eli slightly laughed.
"Ok let's continue the game." Jennifer said.
After ten minutes we got bored and our pizza arrived and everybody wanted to watch a movie. We ate the pizza and went to sleep.
We woke up the next day and just decided to watch movies all day.

It was now like 6 and we were bored.
"Hey guys you want to go to a party?" Mahogany said and we all agreed.
"Ok let's go get ready then." She said.

Maddie's POV
I went into my room an put on some shorts and a Donut crop top. I then put on my white converse and put my hair up in a ponytail. I then did my normal makeup and went to the car.
I saw Taylor and he was dressed casual and I guess he put on colone cause he smelled amazing. We started heading towards a house and I heard all the music and stuff from inside.
We walked in and of course the smell of alcohol was around.
"Come on maddie let's go dance." Esmi said and we went to dance.
I hadn't drink much but I know I wasn't drunk but Esmi sure was.
"Heyyyy maddie where is Haaaayes." She asked and I pointed outside. She then started limping over there but failed and passed out on the couch. As for me I went upstairs to go to the restroom till I got pinned to the wall by some random drunk dude.
"Where do u think your going beautiful." He said smirking.
"Let go of me." I said struggling out of his grip but it was to hard cause he was strong.
He then started kissing me aggressively and started going towards my neck. I did not enjoy this and I tried running away and then I saw Taylor.
"Taylor help me!" I yelled and he looked at the drunk dude angrily.
"Let go of her and stop." Taylor said.
"Stop what, wait this." The dude said and kissed me again.
"NOO! STOP!" I yelled at the guy but he didn't listen.
Taylor then came in punched him pretty hard and started kicking him and stuff.
"Dont mess with my girl." He said and came towards me and hugged and I started to cry on his chest.
"I don't want to be here anymore." I said to him and he got my hand and walked me out.
We walked home and it was just us to in the house since everybody else was at the party.
He looked at my neck and got mad.
"I swear if anyone touches u again I will kill them." He said and I hugged him.
I got up and went to a mirror and saw a hickey on my neck.
"That guy is such a creep he left me hickey." I said.
Taylor then came towards me and pressed his lips on to mine and kissed me softly. He then put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck and this then started to become a makeout session. He then looked at me.
"I can do better than that guy over at the party." He said and kept kissing me and went to my neck and I could feel him starting to form a bigger hickey than the one the guy left me.
I started pulling on his hair slightly and he let out a little moan.
We then hear a knock on the door.
"Fuck they always come at bad timing." Taylor says and I laugh.
He opens the door and we see everyone come in.
I tried hiding my hickeys with my hair but that didn't work.
"What that on your neck?" Matt say and puts my hair on the side.
"What have you guys been doing when we were gone." Mahogany said an me and Taylor started to blush.
"Nice work Taylor." Gilinsky teased and Taylor just ignored it.
"Well I'm going to bed." I said and went upstairs.
I then hear Taylor come with me.
"Go get some Taylor." We hear Jj say and we both laughed.
"They are wierd in there ways." Taylor says.
"But we are lucky to have such great friends." I say and get on my bed and try to sleep.
I then hear Taylor snoring a little and put his hands around my waist. Eventually I pass out.

Omg guys new chapter in 2016. Sorry for the wait guys I promise I will try and update more. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Bye guys love you all.❤❤❤

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