Chapter 22

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Esmi's POV
Wow I really knew the guys would actually do this for us. I was sitting next to Hayes and then he grabs my hand. I just smile. We finally got to prom and we went inside. Everything was so colorful and loud. We went to a table and sat while everyone else was dancing. I then saw Mahogany come with her boyfriend Jake (BTW I don't know who she really is dating so i made it up).
"Omg Mahogany long time no see where were u?" I say and give her a hug.
"U know since I'm a dj I got to do the music right now, but I'm on my break so no music now." She says.
"Hey jake u here also helping her with the music." Hayes asked.
"Nope I'm just here for the food." He said.
"Obviously." Hayes said and we start laughing.
"OMG MY TWIN." Maddie practically yelled and gave her a hug.
"Sup maddie long time no see." She said.
"And of course Elizabeth Jennifer and the Magcon guys." She said and they give her a group hug.
"Hey what about me." Jake said and we gave him a group hug.
Elizabeth then got a call and went to a corner as if it was important.
"U guys look amazing." Mahogany said.
"Thx Elizabeth didn't want to wear a dress." Jennifer said.
"Of course she didn't she is more like a tomboy." She says.
"WHAT!!!" Elizabeth yells and everyone starts staring at her.
"I'll be right back." She says and takes Jack outside.
"Wonder what's all that about." I say.
"Probably nothing important." Maddie says.
"Let's get this party moving, u gu go dance while I do my magic." Mahogany says.
We all go and dance and to admit Hayes wasn't really bad at dancing.
Maddie's POV
I'm here just not knowing what to do cause I don't know how to dance and Taylor is just all out there.
"Here let me show u, u go 123 and 123." He says and I follow his steps.
"There u go." He says and smiles at me.
I then had the urge to go to the bathroom so went in and did my buisness. I was washing my hands until I heard a gunshot. The girls that were in the bathroom with me screamed and hid in the stalls. One of the girls passed out.
"Oh no Oh no." I say and call the police and ambulance. Taylor then came in.
"Omg Taylor what's happening." I say and give him a hug.
"I don't know u hear a gunshot and I had to check if u were ok." He says.
"Is everyone ok?" I ask.
"Not everyone, Carter got shot but luckily he didn't die." He said and I all of a sudden get a text.
'Bad bitches lose there loved ones'
"Ok seriously who is doing this?" I ask staring to get worried.
"Let's go outside to check on the rest." Taylor said.
"Everyone out its now safe." He tells the other girls and they do what they are told.
I go out and see Carter on the floor with everyone around him.
"Omg Carter are u ok?" I say.
"I'm fine just a shot." He said.
"Really it's much worse than it looks." I say and see his shot pouring blood.
He then looks at his shot and passes out.
"Carter? Carter wake up!" I yell.
"He hates blood and when he looks at it he passes out." Matt saif.
"Shit u guys we need to get out of here, it ain't safe here." Mahogany said and we drag carter's body outside and then see the ambulance and police come. The ambulance took Carter to the hospital.
"Where is Elizabeth Aaron and Jj they haven't been here." Jake said and we started to get a little worried.
"Omg we are here sorry we are late what happned here?" Aaron says and we see he was with Elizabeth and Jack.
"Where we're u guys?" I ask getting a little suspicious.
"We well um got bored and went to 7 11." Jack says.
"Ok." I say.
"What happened here?" Elizabeth said.
"There was a gunshot and Carter got shot." Esmi said.
"Shit it's true." Jack whispered to Eli and Aaron.
"We should probably go to the hospital to check on Carter." Jake said and we all get onto our cars.
I didn't have a car so I had to go with Taylor which wasn't so bad cause u know he is my boyfriend. We then head to the hospital and head towards carter's room. We walk in and see to guys there that I've never seemed my entire life.
"Kian JC what u guys doing here and where are the rest of the guys." Taylor said.
"Hey Taylor we wanted to check on Carter since like he got shot and the other guys didn't make it cause they were busy doing stuff that we not really care about. And who is this lady." The guy with the beanie said.
"Oh this is my girlfriend Maddie, Maddie this is Kian and JC." He said and I just a hey and sup.
So JC was the beanie dude and Kian was the tall one.
"Maddie they are in a group called O2L and to admit they are awesome." Taylor says.
"Hello I'm still here." Carter says.
"Oh hey carter." Taylor says and then keeps talking to the guys.
"Wow rude much." He said.
"Yeah Taylor that was rude." I say and give Carter a hug.
I then saw Taylor turning a little mad.
"Sorry dude it was just a joke." He said and we all start laughing.
"I know." Carter says.
"Haha u turned jealous when maddie gave him a hug." Kian said and I start laughing.
I then see him turning red.
"Taylor calm down we are all best friends here, and u are my boyfriend ok I would never go and cheat on u ok?" I say to him and he nods. I them give him a bear hug.
Sorry for keeping u guys waiting it's cause of my schoolwork, yes I know u may not have that much but I also have chores. I promise I'll try to update more.
- Jennifer

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