Chapter 20

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Maddie's POV
We were still playing truth or dare.
"Jj is fuckin stupid for running outside naked." I say still laughing and everyone agreed.
I then got a text from a random number.
'It won't be that easy getting away from me -M'
"The fuck?" I say.
"What?" Shawn says.
Shit I said it out loud.
"Umm nothing." I lie.
"Really maddie we know your lying." Taylor says.
"Fine I got a wierd text from M." I say.
"What's it say?" Mathew says.
"It won't be that easy getting away from me M." I say.
"Well for sure it can't be Mary cause she is in jail." Jack J says.
"But it could be Nash cause remeber he is literally vine famous and literally anyone would help him right." Carter says.
"Shit." I say.
"Why can't we be just in peace no more kidnapping, no bad people, just peace." I say.
"Life is just that way." Jack G says.
"Another reason why I hate life." I murmur to myself but everyone heard.
"I literally have no idea what u guys are talking about, and why is Nash in jail he is a pretty chill dude." Aaron says.
"Aaron Nash kidnapped maddie twice, stabbed her, and was working for her evil cousin mary." Cameron says.
"Damm, shut the fuck up everyone I'm fuckin tired and I want to literally pass out." Elizabeth says.
"She is just tired." Jennifer explains.
"I know we learned to communicate some how." Aaron says.
"Well u guys can sleep over if u want I our guests rooms." Jennifer says and we agree.
We went to the guest rooms and passed out.
-Next day-
I started waking up and saw Taylor sleeping next to me. How the hell did he get in here? I tried getting up but his arms were around my waist pretty tight. Why do guys have to be stronger than women? I heard small snores from him. It was kinda cute to admit.
"Taylor wake up its morning." I whisper to him.
"5 more minutes." He says.
I then kiss him. I see him open his eyes and smile.
"That's one way to wake me up." He says and laugh a little.
We went downstairs and saw Mathew and Jennifer passed out on the couch.
"No one is awake." I say.
"Yeah cause it's 5:30." Taylor says rubbing his eyes.
"Damm I need to litterally learn how to sleep some more." I say.
"Ask Mathew he can fall asleep litterally anywhere." Taylor says and I laugh.
"Let me go change into something cause I have no clothes with me." I say and head to jennifer's room.
Geesh her room is I then see a picture of Mathew and her on her desk. I go through her clothes and get a pair of high waisted shorts with a white crop top that said 'I Donut Care' with a Donut on it. I then put on my white converse. I put my hair on a bun and do my daily makeup. All I really do is just put on a lip gloss foundation and maskara. I went out and Taylor's face was in his cereal asleep. It was hilarious. I took a piture of it and put it as my screen cover. Jennifer then wakes up but stuck in mathew's arms.
"What time is it." She says.
"Umm 7:50." I say.
"Uhh I'm stuck." She says.
"I was in the same situation as u but I managed to get out but now Taylor is sleeping on his cereal." I say and she starts laughing.
"Wait I got an idea, get me an airhorn and u vine with his phone." She says and I agree.
I give her the air horn and I get his phone. I the start the vine.
"321 now!" She yells and airhorn wakes litterally everyone up, even Taylor.
"What the fuck?" Mathew says and me and Jennifer start laughing until we couldn't breathe.
"Why am I covered in milk?" Taylor asked.
"Cause u were sleeping on your cereal." I say.
"That explains why I was dreaming about a land of fruit loops." He says and we both start laughing.
"Geesh Jennifer u almost gave me a heart attack." Mathew says.
"Well i was stuck in your arms and well I wanted to do something fun." She says.
"What was that sound?" Cameron says coming downstairs with everyone else.
"An airhorn." I say.
"Geesh first I'm on the bed then I wake up on the floor, how is that possible?" Shawn says.
"Logic man, it's logic." Jack G says.
"When did u become so smart?" Esmi says.
"Since I first got here." He said.
"Damm dude will u be my tutor?" Hayes said.
"I ain't that smart." Jack G said.
"Everyone shut the fuck up I'm trying to sleep here." Elizabeth yells from her room and slams her door.
"Damm she ain't a morning person." Jack J says.
"Nope she ain't that's why she went to New York so she can go to learn art in the afternoon." Aaron says.
"Makes sense." I say.
"Hey wait isn't that my clothes?" Jennifer said.
"Yeah." I respond.
"Looks nice." She responds.
"Thanks." I respond.
"Wanna get Starbucks or IHop or somethin?" Carter says.
"Did I hear IHop." We hear Eli yell from her room.
"Yup." Shawn says.
"I'll be down in a few minutes." She says.
"Well we found a way of getting her outa bed." Jj says and we all laugh.
Eli then came down in litterally 5 seconds. She was wearing a skittles crop top with a pair of jeans and black converse.
"Damm u all dressed up for Ihop." I say.
"No its just a special occasion." She says.
"What's the occasion?" Jj asked.
"I got outa bed in the morning." She says and Jennifer claps for her.
"Wait I gotta change to." Jennifer says and goes to her room.
"Hey Taylor how did u get in my room in the first place I locked it?" I asked him.
"I was feeling lonely and I had the key so I went in and cuddled with u." He says and I just say aww.
Jennifer comes out wearing a tank top with a pair of jeans and converse.
"Let's go." Aaron said and we all go there.
I the get another text from my phone in the middle of the car ride.
'Don't u wish u could be free from this misery, oh wait there is a way, kill yourself Taylor never loved and he never will'
Tears started forming around my eyes. Taylor and everyone started looking at me.
"Hey what's wrong." Mathew says and Taylor takes my phone and reads the text.
"What's it say?" Aaron said.
"Don't u wish u could be free from this misery, oh wait there is a way kill yourself Taylor never loved u and he never will." He said and that's when I broke down.
"Don't believe any of that I love u with and ll my heart and I will never leave u, this is just a stupid jealous bitch ok." Taylor says and I nod.
We finally got to Ihop and started to eat our breakfast. Of course all the guys ate the most and also Elizabeth. We all finished and decided to go to Starbucks. Why won't these messages and bad thoughts just go away?

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