Chapter 29

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Maddie's POV
I wake up in a car tied up but the car is not moving. I look out the window and see everyone fighting. Eli was fighting some girl who looked alot like..........Jennifer? What the hell r they doing fighting eachother? Eli got her head and banged it on one of the many cars that were around her and Jj. Jennifer then dropped her to floor and started punching her. Eli took out her gun but Jennifer easily kicked it off her. I tried screaming but my mouth was covered.
'Great abother adventure'
Eli then got a random glass bottle and broke it and was fighting Jennifer with it. Jennifer then got a tazer that she found on the floor and they were just throwing punches which they both dodged easily. I look over at Jack and see him punching these guys and kicking them. A guy was about to punch him but Jack easily caught it and twisted his arm. Ouch that must hurt. He got his knife from his pocket and started stabbing everyone. I look back at Eli and Jennifer and I saw jennifer was on Elizabeth's shoulders and she just flipped her over and Eli landed on her back. As how bad as this might sound but that was awesome. Eli was on the floor and she couldn't get up anymore. Since the window was open I heard Jennifer say, " Sorry sis but this is buisness." She the started running towards the car I was in. I started panicking a bit. I look at Jack and he just couldn't fight anymore he was just outnumbered. He got his gun and started shooting everyone. Those guys we just a distant ion cause Jennifer got in the car and started driving pretty quickly. Jack then shot the last dude but then he saw that it was to late.
"I see u woke up." She says and I look at her just confused.
I managed to get this scarf out my mouth.
'Finally thank u lord.'
"What the hell Jennifer!" I yell at her.
"U might be asking why the hell did I fuckin kidnap u and why do Eli Aaron and Jack have all these dam weapons and she shit." She said.
I did kinda get curious over that.
"Well as u don't know we all used to work for Mary, your dam evil cousin whatever, and Mary fired them because turns out they r spys trying to kill us all. As for me well I think u know why." She said and I just look at her confused but with anger.
"Why the hell would u do this I mean u were just fighting your dam sister and litterally left her there to die!" I yelled at her getting angry.
She smirked.
"Its just buisness woman besides I have done way worse in my life than u think." She said.
This isn't Jennifer I just know it. She is not the evil person she is.
"This isn't u Jennifer." I said.
"Oh but it is, before I even met u I worked for some agency whatever when I was smaller, that's where I learned to fight, as I got older they fired me and we were now friends. My brother and sister worked in the same agency as me yet they didn't know but I did. They tried keeping it a secret from everyone but it's just to simple to figure out. So they stayed in the agency and started growing up and left to New York. Your cousin was in jail but she had this little thing like and a evil agency whatever and of course she hired me. She taught me many things, and that's when she got out and I was warning u, but the stupid bitch you are you had to go. You got in that stupid car crash with Camerons mom and u blamed it all on her even though it was u. She went to jail for a crime u did. And here we r now because of your dam stupid mistake." She said and I looked at her shock.
She never really actually cussed or anything before.
"Cover her mouth I'm tired of talking aldready." She said and this dude next to me covered my mouth again with this scarf.
Wow I guess I actually never knew her. But what the hell have I ever done to her.
She started texting someone and smirked when she read the message.
"We r leaving u with someone real special." She said and kept driving.
Elizabeth's POV
I woke up and see dead guys everywhere and Jack next to me.
"Fuck they got away didn't they?" I said and he nodded.
"Wait where the hell is maddie?" I then as looking around but no luck since all I see is dead body's.
"She left with your sister." He said.
"I guess she knew our secret all along." I sighed.
"I guess she did." He said playing with his knife.
"Hey where is Aaron?" I ask getting a bit curious.
"I called him and he left everybody at home, he is gonna come to pick us up." He said.
"How the hell did Jennifer learn to fight and litterally become evil I mean she would never do such thing." I ask.
"I don't know but it seems we weren't the only ones hiding a secret." He said.
We then saw Aaron come. He got out the car and saw me on the floor.
"What the fuck happened now?" He said.
"Well glad u asked I now realized that we have some evil sister who just kidnapped the person we were supposed to save." I said getting angry.
"Well let's go we have to explain everything to everyone anyways and then we will go save maddie, if we ever find her." He said and we all go to the car.
I sit in front and see my white t-shirt was covered in blood and dirt, and it was ripped along with my jeans.
'Now that was a good day where white now huh Eli'
"Shutup stupid voice." I said to myself.
My makeup looked as if I litterally put my face on mud. I basically looked like a mess.
"The boss is not gonna be happy with us." Jack said.
"I know." Aaron said and I just sighed.
Jennifer's POV
I finally arived at the dam bastards house and looked at maddie who had just fear in her eyes. I just showed no emotion since she was gonna probably just stay alive. I have done worse than this like kill, fight, even become someone different.
"Get her out the car." I ordered and the guy got her and dragged her to the door.
He uncovered her mouth. She didn't say a word cause she knew it would do her no good. The house was pretty big I still wonder how bieng a pretty boy earns u loads of money. I threw her phone away and everything so she can't be tracked down. We were like in the middle of no where so no one can find her. I rang the doorbell. After waiting for like 15 minutes he opened the door.
"Well what do we have here.........
Hey guys it's me Jennifer, again. So here is another sucky chapter. Sorry it took me so long to update it is because ive been editing my earlier chapters. Cause when I read through them boy they sucked. This chapter actually took me a week to write cause my mind was just empty. It just doesn't want to work anymore. Who do u guys think he is? I can promise u he isn't someone knew but I think u all forgot about him. Well guys thx for reading this sucky chapter. I will 'TRY' to update sooner. No promises ok people. Well love u all.❤❤❤

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