Chapter 44

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1998, April
New York

She went to the address written on the card after she took a quick shower. She smelled the stench of blood all over her. She was anxious as she observe everyone inside the cafe shop. It was written on the paper 'Centauri Cafe; April 26, 3 p.m.'

She took the corner seat so she could see everyone coming in and out the place. She ordered an iced coffee so she woudn't look suspicious as she pretend to do nothing. When her order came, she saw something in between the tissue, a piece of card again. There are numbers and letters in the paper and she doesn't know what it means. She tried to call the waiter but he seem to not know anything at all. Then she realize the sequence of the letters and numbers. It was a plate number of a car.

She immediately looked around trying to catch who sent the card and no one is suspicious, not even the cafe employees. She stepped out of the place and look for the plate numbers of each car she walked passed by. Until she found it across the street. There was no one there when she got closer. To her surprise, it was open. She went inside and little did she know, someone covered her mouth and nose with a cloth and she fell unconscious. Two men brought her at the back and drove the car to its destination.

When she woke up, she immediately prepared herself. The room is all black and she was cuffed on the bed. "WHO ARE YOU?!" she yelled. No one answered in the dark. "What do you want?!"

She could see a movement from afar. Until it got closer and closer and a silhouette of a man shows up with his shadow covering his face as the light reflects from above. Se couldn't see him. "What you did there, for a young lady like you, was impressive...or perhaps, foolish." She got scared by his deep voice. She could tell that he's at his fourties. "You killed my men with just a piece of broken glass and you took my goods and my money," he continued. "I'll pay it back," she said. He shook his head which meant he disagrees. "I know you needed that more than I do. So, let's get down to business."

"You will train as a Belligerent," he offered. "A what now?"

"You will work for me. I was impressed by your action. Well, yes, you paid your balance but what will you do for the next months that she stay at the hospital. The bills will keep rising and you are still a teenager, no specific job and not a single penny left." She hated how he stated facts about her situation. She has no job. She wasn't paid at her part time jobs because she has debts. She's only eighteen and now she's a fugitive. She wouldn't be able to pay for her mother's bill if she's constantly being chased by the police if the man she's talking with right now, will report her.

Despite her dilemma, she decided to get it. "On one condition..."

"Name it."

"Just keep my mom alive."

"Consider it done," he said and flick his finger and two men came in with a briefcase. Then, a contract was already in front of her. She didn't hesitate and signed the deal. "You will be sent to Germany for your training," he said and then left.

1998, June 18
Philippines, 9 p.m.

"The Eagle is here. At six o'clock," one of the Belligerent said. "I'm going in," Louise said as she walked through the hallway. She was on a white wig and a boujee outfit. When the man walked in the hotel, she acted to have bumped to him as she placed a tracker on his pocket. "Oh! I'm sos sorry," she acted. Due to her beauty, he was immediately drawn to her not too mention he's old.

"Would you mind if I ask you to dinner tonight?" He immediately took the bet. "Well of course," she replied and made her way to the elevator when the man catch up and he held her on her waist as the door closes. "What about a quick ride?" She wanted to do her work right then and there but it would create a chaos and the organization doesn't allow that. She had to see the password for the account he opened for his embezzlement. He betrayed his boss and this is how he'll meet his end.

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