I just wanna hear your voice

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Hanna's POV
The girls came over today. They have been visiting me these couple of months cause I won't get out of the house.

Today Emily stayed over we talked about what really happened that night.

Cause she had so many scars. She told me when Caleb left, -A slapped and hit her plenty times, that she could feel blood in her mouth.

That all she could taste. She got pushed at a tree and she hit her head really hard.

When she told me the story I felt bad for her.

It's been three months and I haven't got out of my house. I won't eat or even sleep.

His dad is worried too, so is his mom. I don't wanna say his name.

But that's gonna change today, I really thought he loved me but if he could leave me like this I guess I was wrong.

I'm gonna move on.

What if something terrible has happened to him? That's what I always think about especially before I go to sleep.

"Emily." I sigh "Yeah" She looks up at me "I'm gonna move on. Let's have a girls night out me, you and the girls" I smile slightly.

"Really?" Her face lighten up

"Yeah really" I say.

"Great!" She looks excited.

We decided to go to a club. In a week we are going to California, yay! I'm so excited I can't wait. But I remember who I went to Cali with last year.

Caleb! I start to cry. Emily walks up to me "Hey what's wrong?" Emily asks.

"Nothing" I wipe my tears.

"I just can't wait for Cali" I fake a smile.

"Me neither" Emily smiles. "But do you remember who I also went to California with?" I look down.

"Here it comes again" Emily mumbles.
"Caleb!" I cry onto her chest. She hugs me tightly.

"Forgot that jerk who made you cry. If he really loves you he wouldn't have done this to you, now move on. Where's the Hanna that I used to know?" She look at me.

"Now go flirt with some guys. Be the Hanna Marin that I love and always will" She smile at me I smile slightly back.

I spend the rest of the night getting drunk. I got a phone call from a number I have never seen I decide not to take it.

The girls didn't drive me home cause they know my mom would get mad at me.

We all sit in Emily's car (Spencer, Aria and I) I stare out the window and think about him and who would of had called me? Spencer puts a arm around me and I smile. I'm gonna stay at Spencer's tonight.

Caleb's POV
I got a new phone and a new number. I decide to call Hanna. I just wanted to hear her voice. But she didn't pick up.

A Haleb fanfiction: I never meant to hurt youWhere stories live. Discover now