It's just a broken heart, hun.

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Caleb's POV
I walk to the bathroom door and Spencer and Hanna looks at me. Spencer gives a dirty look and Hanna looks at me scared, I don't know why.

"Can I get past?" I ask.

They walk back to the room and I walk into the bathroom.

I walk back in to the room and Spencer keeps giving me dirty looks.

I sit on the floor they're watching 'The Fantastics 4' the light is turned off.

I look over at Hanna looking at me, I look away and sigh.

The movie finally ends. I didn't watch for the most of the time I was just on my phone.

I get a text it's from Hanna

H ~ I can't keep pretending. You look too cute ;)

I smile at the text and looks at Hanna who was biting her lip.

"Let's play truth or dare." Spencer suggest.

We all sit on the floor in a circle.

"I'll start." Aria says."Truth or dare Ezra." Aria smiles.

"Dare." Ezra says "I dare you to yell at someone on the street from the balcony." Aria says as Ezra nods.

We all follow him out to the balcony "Hey! You there." Ezra yells at the guy standing there and looking up at us.

We all laugh and walk back in.

"Do we have vodka?" Spencer asks.

Toby looks at her "What" Spencer says.

"I don't think we can all stay here. Let's go somewhere else." Hanna says. We all look at each other.

"Let's go to my place?" I ask.

They all nod in agreement.

We drive to my place. Hanna, Aria and Ezra in my car the rest took a bus.

We arrive before the others. I unlock the door and they all walk in.

"Nice." Aria says.

"It's awesome." Ezra says and jumps on the couch.

Hanna's POV
We arrive at Caleb's apartment I have already been here more than once but they don't know.

"Nice." Aria says.

"It's awesome." Ezra says and jumps on the couch.

I look around in the apartment "It's nice." I say.

We all sit on the couch waiting for the others to arrive.

"I'm starving." Aria sighs.

"I can make pizza." Caleb says.

"Yay!" We all laugh.

"Hanna go help Caleb make the pizza." Ezra says and pushes me towards the kitchen.

Caleb and I walk into the kitchen, Caleb doesn't say a word.

I walk closer to him and smile, he smiles back and looks away.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just wanna be done." He says.

When the pizzas is in the oven I smile at Caleb. He have been silent the whole time.

"Caleb, what's going on?" I sigh.

"Nothing." He walk to the fridge and gets a bottle of water.

"Tell me." I say. He looks up at me and sighs. "Hanna I heard yours and Spencer's conversation." He sighs.

I look at him unsure what he meant, what conversation? Spencer and I talk the whole time none stop.

"You're right I do hurt you." He sighs again.

"Caleb." I sigh "I didn't mean it." I say "I was just pretending." I smile weakly.

"Well why did you go back the incident in New York." He looks up at me.

"Well I had to make it real." I say.
"Yeah and Spencer send me dirty looks during the movie." He glares at me.

"I'll tell her I was lying?" I say.

"No, cause you weren't." He says.

"Caleb! I thought we were over this!" I raise my voice a little.

"Yeah well we were till you brought it up again!" He does too.

"Well you weren't supposed to hear it!" I say.

"Well I did!" He says. "Maybe you are right." I say.

"About what?" He looks confused at me.

"Maybe you do always hurt me! And maybe it's not always A's fault! Maybe we should actually blame ourselves about our relationship." I almost yell.

Aria's POV
Ezra and I are sitting passionately waiting for the pizza as we hear yelling from the kitchen.

"Caleb! I thought we were over this." Hanna yells.

"Yeah well we were till you brought it up again!" Caleb says. What were they talking about?

"We you weren't supposed to hear it." Hanna says.

"Well I did!" Caleb says. Ezra and I look at each other confused.

"Maybe you were right." Hanna says.

"About what?" We walk to the door and listen.

"Maybe you do always hurt me! And maybe it's not always A's fault! Maybe we should blame ourselves about our relationship." Hanna starts to raise her voice again.

We hear a ding I guess the pizzas are done.

I hear footsteps so Ezra and I run back to the couch, we sit down and pretends we heard nothing.

"The pizza is done." Hanna says not sounding that happy just like she doesn't care.

Caleb walks out the kitchen looking pissed.

All the others arrive.

I walk up to Emily and Spencer at the door "I heard Caleb and Hanna having a fight." I whisper.

"I'm not surprised." Spencer rolls her eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I'm just saying, Caleb is not a good influence on Hanna." Spencer says.

"Spencer come on. Who was there to help Hanna when no when else was? Who was there to help her when her mom got into jail? He helped her through a lot of stuff, even when we weren't there to help her." I say.

"Maybe he was. But he has changed...a lot." Spencer sighs.

"Emily back me up here?" I look at Emily.

"Spencer is right. I might not have told you guys...but you remember when I was at the hospital." Emily says.

We both nod, Spencer and I.

"It was Caleb's fault." Emily sighs.

I can't believe it. How could he? Caleb? Really?

"He stabbed you? And hit you? And almost killed you?!" I raise my voice a little causing the others to look at me.

"Well calm your voice down would you? He only stabbed me, A did the rest." Emily says.

Spencer's and my eyes grew as the words came out of Emily's mouth. She should have told us, if she did I wouldn't try to get them back together.

"Ugh, what a jerk he is. He hurts everyone." Spencer says.

I turn around "Hey Caleb!" I cross my arms.

Everyone starts to look at me.

A/N: Thank you for the reads, votes and comments! I don't know how far to take this story, I'm kind of getting bored with it. Haleb always fight ;( But thank you for 400+ reads I only thought of first chapter but only the part when Caleb slapped Hanna, but in my head it was WAY more dramatic.

A Haleb fanfiction: I never meant to hurt youWhere stories live. Discover now