OF - Chapter 14.1

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Hey everyone!

Spell BONUS!

C.H.A.P.T.E.R 14!!

This chapter's gonna be on GLENN'S POV to clear up those questions dancing around your heads alright? Enjoy! ;)


Unedited chapter

Chapter 14 (Glenn's POV)

"You look fine, bro. Trust me," Ben said from behind me while I was facing the mirror in his bedroom. Damn, this is so embarrassing. I am wearing my green baseball shirt, but the jacket and jeans were his! How could I even let him let me use this after what he had to hide with Telly from me? I can't forget about the first time I saw them together. It was the second day of school, and they were having lunch together in his classroom. I went over to his classroom to spend lunch with him as usual, but the sight of Telly sitting across from him made me go back and just hang out with the first people I thought of hanging out with. Telly's friends. Man how I hated Ben for that. He knows how crazy I am for her! Heck, I didn't even think he knew, nor give a shit about Telly before that day! Evidently, he didn't, and I could read that in his face that he's no way near interested whenever I talk about her even from the pier where we met, and he decided to take me in.

 And I will never, ever forget the time he called Telly in the morning during our sleep over with Leroy at her place... To make her come to school earlier than everyone else.

I bet they never thought I wouldn't get curious as to why Telly had a morning detention from someone as cool as Ms. Nancy.

I decided to see what she was up to and as I feared, I found them in the storage room of Ben's classroom. Telly was on his lap, and they were staring at each other for a split second before noticing I was standing there. I wanted to break Ben's jaw at that moment. I wanted to make him pay, but all I could blurt out was, "I see what you did there" and ran off home.

Genius; sarcasm.

I looked at myself once again in the mirror, and I didn't notice that my hands were rolled up into fists at my side, shading white due to the tightness. Relax. Just relax. I chanted in my mind. Then his words finally processed in my mind.

"Trust me"

"Trust," I began with a low voice. "Is a really big word."

"Look, Glenn. I said I'm sorry, and it's not what it looked like last week-"

"Whatever," I said, cutting him off. I've had enough from him, and one more wrong word coming out of him, I was afraid I'm going to lose it and get to punch him.

"Knock 'em dead," he said before walking out of the room.

I gave my hair one last run by my hands, and I was off to Liz Heywood's place. It was only a five minute walk but the night was cold and I thanked Ben's jacket for being present when I need it. I also brought my camera with me. The same one I used with Telly at the beach. The one that held the photo of our kiss. The one on her cheek, actually.

As planned, Loki, a recent friend I made from my Spanish class, was waiting for me by the door, talking to some blonde chic, but shoving her off as soon as he saw me coming.

"That was pretty rude, bro." I was talking about how he shooed the girl.

"I care more about you, Glenn," he joked.

"Gross. Go bromance some other guys, I'm off limits."

"Except for Carter." Yes, he knows about Telly. Actually, he had a crush on her until I told him she was mine a few days a go. I rolled my eyes and he dropped his arm on my shoulder leading me inside.

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