Chapter 17: Beach Walks & Concert Invites

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I wandered down the beach with Harry and Louis. It was Monday, two days since I had announced to the world who I truly was, and the reaction had been surprisingly positive. People were taking into account that I didn't want people to harass me or send me hate mail, and a lot of those people had told me how brave I was for admitting that it really got to me and I suffered all of those years in the spotlight.

Although people had promised to stop hating on me, it didn't mean the paparazzi got to leave us alone. They followed Harry, Louis and I along the beach, trying to provoke us into doing something drastic or trying to catch a romantic moment between Harry and I, considering we had dated.

"Are you doing anything tonight Koti?" Louis asked.

I shook my head, "No I don't think so."

"Because we're having a concert, did you want to come backstage?"

I smiled. The one thing I had enjoyed about being Louis' sister was that I got to hang out backstage and watch the concert with an excellent view. Of course, considering how large their tours were now, the stage would be different and much larger than what it used to be.

"I'd love to Louis," I said smiling. "Can I bring a friend?" I asked sheepishly, like Louis would say no. Harry laughed.

"Of course not Koti," He said, impersonating a mean father. "You can never ever bring friends to your brother's concert!"

We all laughed. I high-fived Harry for his impersonations and clutched my stomach. I could hear the paps clicking away, eager for some good pictures to sell.

"What's so funny?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up and spotted Taco perched on one of the blue rhino's the lifeguards drove around. The guy he was with wasn't familiar to me, and gave us a weird look before scanning the water for any trouble.

"Hi Taco!" I waved. He waved back, and jumped down.

"I meant to ask you, are you busy tonight?"

Go me, reeling in all of the invitations to places! That's a first.

"I wasn't, but now I am. Louis and the boys have a concert and I said I'd go watch," I explained, feeling slightly guilty. "You can come if you want!" I added, trying to make Taco feel a bit better.

We'd only ever gone on the one date, but I got the feeling he thought I was his kind-of girlfriend. Even though I wasn't.

"Oh no, that's okay- but do you mind if I drop by your this arvo?" he asked, pushing his fringe back. "I need to talk to you."

I nodded, "Of course Taco. Anytime."

He smiled, and Harry, Louis and I continued walking down the beach.

"You do know he's super keen right?" Harry whispered, making sure the paparazzi wouldn't hear.

"Yeh- I'm going to talk to him when he drops by. Tell him I feel like nothing is happening and he's not the right guy for me," I explained. I did like Taco, but I'd been thinking it over and I prefer Jesse. I mean, I had sex with Jesse, and I just had a connection with him that wasn't awkward and relationshippy.

If that made any sense at all.

"Who is the right guy for you?" Louis asked, kicking up some sand. "I mean, it is that Jesse guy? He seems into you as well?"

"Maybe. I haven't really spent much time with him," I admitted. "Apart from the night we had sex."

"YOU DID WHAT?" Harry exclaimed. Louis nudged him. He had to keep his voice down- the paparazzi would realise something was up. We couldn't risk a chance for me to make any more headlines.

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