Chapter 12: Revelation

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Koti POV


"Buzz off."


"Oh my god Lou, piss off I'm trying to have a shower."


"Stop whining you asshole I'll be out in three minutes!"

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my naked body. Louis was standing outside of the bathroom with an excited look on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked, slightly annoyed at being rushed to cleanse myself of the days evils.

"You have a visitor," Louis informed me.

"Ah shit," I replied. "I forgot."

"I think his name is Jesse?" I nodded. I'd been so consumed in Taco and I's date last night I actually forgot I was due to be entertained by Inky.

"Yeh that's him. Just sit him down and I'll be out in five," I explained. Louis nodded and smiled.

"Cool, also, Harry and Liam are here!" he smiled and skipped off, letting what he just informed me of sink into my extremely slow brain.

Harry and Liam are here... which Harry and Liam? I'm pretty sure I don't know any lifeguards called Harry and Liam...


"Fuck me," I mumbled, closing the bathroom door. I sank down slowly. I was not ready to see my brother's bandmates again... especially after what happened and after I left all those years ago to escape. I'd been doing so well in accepting Louis back into my life, but I was still not ready to confront my past.

I quickly dressed in some jeans and shirt, shoving on my nicest bikini's underneath, just in case we went to the beach, then I slipped out of the bathroom to go and greet Inky and Liam and Harry.

"Ah, look who's finally preened!" Inky said, getting up and giving me a hug. I smiled.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Inky cocked his head. I shook mine.


"It's the big surf competition with the scout from the ASP..."

I gasped.

"Oh seriously, fuck me," I groaned. Jesse laughed.

"Have you trained?"

"Only that one time I came with you guys! I've completely forgotten!"

Louis stood up and brought attention to himself.

"What surfing competition? Koti, do you surf?" He asked, extremely shocked at the fact I was sporty.

"Yes I do surf Bother," I said cockily, which earned a laugh from two people behind him. "Oh hi." 

"Hey Koti," Liam said embracing me. "I didn't realise it was you the other day until I told Lou what happened." 

I laughed awkwardly, "That does happen alot though..." 

"Hey," Harry said, hugging me as well. 

"Uh hi Harry." 

"Ugh please don't go all awkward ex's on me," Louis moaned. Jesse's ears perked up. 

"Ex's?!" He exclaimed.

"Ah, how about we all have a reunion tonight, after I try to win myself a spot of the ASP eh?" I suggested, running away to gather my things and thoughts.

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