"Reports of strange humanoid figures being seen at night have been reported from all over the planet. If you see a figure, do not engage it."
-Fifteenth of Maximum Messis
"Good work, Cadet Jacobson," Kaitlyn congratulated, "that poor sod would be swiss cheese!" Jacobson beamed while looking through the scope of his sniper rifle.
"Thank you, ma'am," he said, lining up his next shot and firing.
The target range was almost desolate. Daniel thought it would be full of other willing cadets from around the colony, but only the five cadets he met in that courthouse thirteen days ago were present on the base, besides the TUOH Planetary Commander and a handful of ragtag units sewn together by some aristocratic nonsense.
Daniel looked over the whole squad.
Cadet Rico Cortez.
He was a very personable man. Being five foot three and extremely muscular, he was always seen as a dunce... but he wasn't. He was a gentle giant, always looking for the good in others as well as help people in need. He'd jump on a grenade for anyone in the squad if required of him... or throw one.
Cadet Alex Jacobson.
Strong, naive and somewhat of a clutz, this man is the epitome of a private. With his words he couldn't defend himself, but he was a great shot. He often boasted of shooting asley monkeys between their eyes when he went hunting as a child, a feat that isn't even close to small. He would make a great sniper someday.
Cadet Tyler Bradley.
He wasn't as good with a rifle as he was with scalpels. He couldn't shoot the broadside of a colony ship. He did, however, possess unique eyesight and reflexes that allowed him to quickly find and deal with any troubling medical nonsense that was thrown his way. Have foot cancer? He would take a laser to your foot and sever it, using a nano needle to remove it from your pores. Gunshot? He'd slice that out without any pain whatsoever. What courage he had as a medic was shit with him in the heat of battle. If he was alone, he wouldn't be able to protect himself for shit or even keep his head on straight.
Cadet Nox Erhardt.
Don't stare long into his eyes. His trademark ginger hair would mesmerize you into giving in to his amazing charisma, long enough for you to get tortured out of your own lunch. He had a fiery personality, which ironically made him the flamer of the group. His knowledge of how every part of the human body can be burnt is disgusting, extremely deadly, and quite ingenious.
Daniel looked down the range at his target. It was riddled with bullet holes from his own rifle, most of them being in the chest area with one of two in the head. He wasn't surprised. He is an average shot, and he enjoyed it.
"Cadets!" Kaitlyn yelled, hitting the buzzer on the rail of the shooting range, putting all the targets in storage, "hit the bunks. Dismissed!"
All five squad mates saluted her before they left in a ragtag group.
"Daniel," Kaitlyn said while he was walking away, "stay back for a minute."
Daniel gulped, turning around to see not a military fighting machine, but rather the girl he knew for so long. He eased a little.
"I know how I haven't acknowledged you and all because I cannot with the rank I have, but know that I still know you as the little boy from across the road."
Daniel eased a little, then frowned at his thoughts. Kaitlyn lived across the road... once. That was before the ArcheTECHt Corp. came around and bought her families' farm first before being court ordered to not take anymore farms away without the owner's permission. Her mother couldn't do anything about it, as her father was away on duty.
"Kaitlyn?" Daniel started.
"Yes, Danny?" Kaitlyn said. Daniel hadn't heard that name since she left his neighborhood and went to a private academy for journalism and media.
"What happened all those years? What made you join the military?" Kaitlyn sighed, looking at the shell casings littering the ground.
"When my father died, I left the academy and joined the military. I⎯"
"Your father died?" Daniel interrupted. Kaitlyn started to sob a little, forcing Daniel to hug his friend for her comfort. He rubbed her back as he tried to comfort her.
"I didn't want to stay on this planet anymore, and being an SO reporter wasn't going to cut it. I know the ArcheTECHt Corp. had something to do with his death. They are up to bad things, and I know it. That's why I joined the military, so I can fight them when it comes to it. And I know that's why they pay so many people for their cushy jobs."
"There there... Kaitlyn, you must know that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, even though you did leave for so long..." Kaitlyn sniffled.
"Thanks, Danny," she said, pushing away from the hug and wiping her eyes. "I need to go check on the unit. Can you clean up the range?" Daniel nodded, waving her off.
Unknown to both of them, a humanoid figure in all black was watching them from the outdoor rafters. It put its finger to its ear.
"Abraham to Noah's Ark, survey of Alpha Charlie is complete. Shall we move in and initiate Flood Protocol?"
The radio buzzed back.
"Quite," said the voice on the other end.

Heaven's Eternal End
Science-Fiction"Heaven's Eternal End" follows the story of a 21 year-old man named Daniel Young who has always wanted to join the military so he could explore the other planets owned by The Union of Humanity. It wasn't until the middle of boot camp when creatures...