"Welcome back. ArcheTECHt is announcing its great third quarter and is announcing plans for something called, "Exodus."
-Sixteenth of Maximum Messis
"Hey Jacobson!" Nox yelled, throwing a napkin at him, laughing. "I don't need a sniper rifle. I have FIRE to bring my enemies to my knees!"
"Well, Nox," Jacobson said sternly, "if your tanks gets shot... you're BURNED!" Jacobson busted out laughing.
"Hey hey hey!" Rico yelled. "I'll be dropping hell from the sidelines with my grenade launcher!" Tyler sighed.
"And I'll be mopping up your sad remains," Tyler said, mopping his food around his plate. Everyone paused.
"Dude, not cool," Rico said with a stern voice. There was a brief silence.
"Soo...," Daniel said, breaking the silence, "you guys hear about the mysterious people roaming around the planets in this sector?" Jacobson gulped down his food and placed his utensils on the table.
"I think it's the ArcheTECHt Corp., and nothing is gonna deter my opinion." Everyone sighed.
"I could get my money on it," Rico said, mouth full with food. "The ArcheTECHt Corp. did ruin a lot of our farms. This is why we are here, isn't it?" Daniel looked at Kaitlyn, who was sitting at the edge of the table. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Daniel felt the pain and stopped acknowledging it.
"Maybe it's⎯"
Alarms started to blare. The building started to close up all its entrances and exits with steel doors. The lights turned off for a split second, then the room was illuminated with a red warning light. Screeching echoed off the outside walls.
We are in lockdown, said a man on the loudspeaker, unknown creatures are attacking the base.
"Everyone," Kaitlyn started, pushing the table away from her instead of her away from the table. "Follow me. We have an emergency weapons locker in every building." Everyone got up for, the table and followed her as she led them to the back of the mess and into the freezer.
"Who would put a weapons locker in a freezer?!" Nox yelled, trying to figure out which contractor screwed up the architecture.
"Never mind that," Tyler said, pointing to the steel doors. "Something is trying to get in!"
Everyone looked at the door. Large dents started to form with loud bangs, followed by a flurry of scratches. One slash appeared, letting a little of the outside light pierce the darkness inside. Some creature was trying to get in.
"Grab a gun, now!" Kaitlyn yelled, sliding open a false wall. Twenty magneto-rifles appeared from sliding panels, as well as forty grenades and a magneto-sling with tungsten slugs.
"I've never seen weapons like that!" Daniel yelled. Kaitlyn slapped him.
"Everyone grab one rifle and two grenades. Cadet Cortez, grab that magneto-sling!"
At that moment, everyone grabbed a rifle and two grenades while Rico shouldered the massive weapon.
"Magneto-rifles use magnets to propel various-tipped slugs at a target. We can tip them with uranium, hydrogen peroxide, or steel! Magneto-slings are heavy ordinance weapons that launch large tungsten slugs at heavy targets using magnetic propulsion!"

Heaven's Eternal End
Science Fiction"Heaven's Eternal End" follows the story of a 21 year-old man named Daniel Young who has always wanted to join the military so he could explore the other planets owned by The Union of Humanity. It wasn't until the middle of boot camp when creatures...