"Everyone is counting on me."
-Daniel Young
-Twentieth of Maximum Messis
If anything could be colorful on this planet, at least the radioactive particles brought in a warm, green and unholy glow. It was the only detail the world held in generations. The neon green dust held a metallic sheen as it wafted through the air as the dust storm kicked it up.
The particles went through buildings, buildings, and more buildings, sparing no area to its presence. Its demonic glow illuminated the forever dark, radiating substances and surfaces with more death.
Daniel walked through the deserted streets of the military base, eyeing every destroyed structure. Walls were crumbled, roofs and ceilings caved in, and the faint piano riff played in the back of Daniel's mind.
This... is more nightmare than reality, Daniel thought to himself.
His boots crunched again the dusty road, eyes pinched as closed together as they could without him losing his ability to see. He kept sighting his pistol, making sure that if there were any daemon fiends, he'd dispatch them quickly. He couldn't afford to die, as that would leave Kaitlyn helpless and alone. He needed to continue, or else everything he loved would be destroyed.
Completely. Utterly.
He grunted, kicking up dust into the already dusty air as he started to move faster, the armor on his legs swiping into each other as each leg moved back and forth. He made sure to notice the signs on the building and any movements from the corners of his eyes. Farther and farther away, the dust concealed his vision of the building Kaitlyn was recovering in. The dust battered against his form, radioactive particles being the only things that illuminated the darkness the storm created.
Daniel looked up, finding a lone steel bunker with a curved roof ending to the ground. A lone red cross lay painted on the side of the double doors, a solemn reminder that conventional warfare was a more peaceful idea than the hell that is happening right at this instant.
I found it, Daniel thought to himself.
He looked around the street, making sure there were no daemon fiends watching him, no Homotaurus following him, none of those mutated humans coming out of the woodwork. Feeling satisfied, he slowly grabbed the knob and opened one of the doors, looking through the iron sights of the magneto-pistol and turning on its flashlight.
Medical curtains hung slashed on their metal bars, covered with blood, rust, and other fluids that could not be named. White cots were wheeled into a pile against the doors on the other side of the room, as if trying to prevent something from coming it. Bodies were strewn to the other side of the room, with equipment and scattered ammunition. Weird, fungal-like growths were pulsating from their dead bodies, glowing green with life.
Daniel noticed a magneto-rifle in the hands of one of the bodies, almost fully undamaged and intact, its ammunition indicator flashing. He picked it up, slapping the side, the indicator flashing back to life.
365 rounds, it read.
He holstered the pistol in his armor and looked around the bunker. There are signs of some creatures being here, but it seems like they aren't anymore, but one question kept in his mind: why is that entryway blocked?
Trying to remember the med bay, that door doesn't lead to an entrance nor exit, but a surgical wing. Why would the doors be barricaded, though? There aren't any entrances nor exits in the surgical wing either.
Daniel grunted, slinging the rifle over his shoulder and grabbing the objects barring the door, ripping them from the entryway in sudden, rough jerks.
Caution, the suit's computers said. Stamina depleting. Please rest.
Daniel shook his head, ripping the contents from the door until it stood stoic, removed of its barricades. He pushed the door open.
The sounds echoed off the walls.
He stopped, grabbing the rifle from the sling and turning on the magnetic actuators. They whirred to life, giving him the slight ease that he was prepared to the most minuscule percent.
The sounds were familiar, but somewhat unknown. A dripping noise gave the wing some ambience. Other than the other noises and the dripping, the wing was silent, giving way to the mysterious unknown.
The walls caved over a curved roof overhead, shining an impure form of eggshell white. Various fluids dripped on the sides of the walls, plastered as art for the visitors the building could receive. There were some bodies lying against the walls, sporting the same weird fungal growths like the ones in the main med bay.
"NO! NO NO NO!" a voice echoed throughout the wing.
Daniel stopped.
Daniel gulped, finding himself at a set of stairs that leads to the underground surgical center.
Moans, screams, and inhuman noises came from the stairs. Daniel gulped, slowly walking down the flight, meeting face-to-face with a door.

Heaven's Eternal End
Fantascienza"Heaven's Eternal End" follows the story of a 21 year-old man named Daniel Young who has always wanted to join the military so he could explore the other planets owned by The Union of Humanity. It wasn't until the middle of boot camp when creatures...