My Nightmare

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Natsu's POV

I march down the castle hall, easing towards the main room. The silent halls echoed the sound of my boots hitting the gold, white and black marbled flooring. It has been a week since I declared war against whoever is responsible for Lucy's curse. She still lies in the infirmary at the guild. Levy Dilla, Wendy and Jellal have all been keeping a close eye on her - trying to find a solution to the curse. I am still blinded by the people responsible for this. Each day she bows at the curses feet, the more pain we can see she is in. She let out the first blood cry yesterday. Rumbling the castle like an earthquake had just hit. Phoenix has been longing for her presents, but I won't allow him to see her in the condition that she is in. He's only 5 months old.

I approach the door to have a meeting with my knights and Erza - she is on her own level, most of the dragons fears her. I push them open, seeing 6 dragons, along with Nighteye and Erza. "Have we found anything on who's responsible for the attach yet?" I spoke to my trusted 8. As I take my seat in the royal chair, decorated in gold and red.

"We do have an idea on which kingdom might be responsible." Iris, the lovely white and red dragon, spoke. Her scale are red and her claws are white along with the spikes running down her back. She and Erza get along the best, they are both in my most powerful women list - Lucy being on top, of course.

"We do not know for certain Iris, for all we know we could be plotting to attack a kingdom who haven't done anything wrong to being with." Ash, a grayish blue dragon spoke up. "I believe we must be absolutely certain in order to make the first mo-" he was cut off.

"We don't have time for that!" Nighteye slammed his fist into the large oak table slightly cracking the linning. "The Queen is getting worse by the day. The only leads we have are what our scouts found out! We pledged our lives to both the King and the Queen." He makes no eye contact with anyone at the table. By his body language I could tell he was getting emotional. He has stated many time he loves Lucy like a sister, out of everyone - including myself - he has looked for the things that has done this to her more than anyone has.

"Natsu," Erza spoke. I looked into her eyes, she was prepared to make a speech to my trusted 8. I knew she had a plan ready. If anyone would have put a plan together - both her and Iris make the perfect battle strategist. "We don't know who is behind the attacks so we can not wage a war on everyone."

"I have done that plenty of times, tell me something that I haven't already done." I am getting irritated at this point. No one has found a cure for Lucy and time is running out. Last night she cried out in both pain and terror, her banshee wale caused many of our ears to ring for hours after the dreaded scream. I could have sworn her eyes flickered open one night as I watched her. "I don't want to hear useless bullshit, I will fight the entire world if I have to."

"Wise words your majesty," Elias - blacker than night and flames hotter than hell (not as hot as mine, but no where near Lucy's or Phoenix's) - begins to speak up. With a hiss on each s that leaves his tongue. Fairly intimidating at first glace, but that is not the case. "I would fight to the death for this kingdom. Why not? We should start a war with this entire world. Everyone knows I love a good fight." He traces the spikes on his tail across the marble flooring trying not to scratch it.

"When has a World War ever been a good idea," Ash gripped his tail, snarling at irritation. "It is completely foolish - no offense your majesty - only fools would declare war on the entire world. With no well executed plan we are as good as sheep."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Elias hummed, thinking about the sweet taste for sheep. The drool hanging off from his huge canines, which spilled to the floor. Creating a wide puddle of drool. "I am pretty hungry now. When is lunch?"

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