Starting Over

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Natsu's Pov

I lay there, heavily breathing. Was it finally over? Can I have Lucy back, Can I have my family back? The pain escalates through my body as I try to move closer to Lucy, rubble cuts my body further. Surprisingly, she didn't have a single scratch on her, despite how the guild looks and all the broken wood and brick there is. The entire guild tried to attack this thing; tried to fight whatever it was. Unfortunately, the amount of damage to the guild members was too much, they had to evacuate in order to save everyone's life. I stayed, I had to fight.

Liquid fills my throat, I cough violently, my lungs might be broken from kick I received; it hurts so much. I use my left arm to drag my body through the piles of rubble, splinters entered my my body as well as little stones and glass. I my right arm is broken, the forearm bone is exposed where my elbow should be. My legs are completely useless, I have no feeling in them anymore. I roll to my side, there is a agonizing and throbbing pain in my abdomen. I reach to feel if something had impelled me. I feel a warm liquid, my eyes widen, I beg it's not what I think it is. I can see because part of the dungeon is on fire. I lift my hand to see what color the liquid is. Damn, I thought, I might bleed to death.

"L-lucy."I weakly say. I choke on my own blood, coughing violently yet again. My lungs are filled with my blood, I can feel it. I can barely breathe now.

Her body lays still, I can't hear a heart beat. With all of my strength I have left in my body, I drag myself to her side. Every inch I go brings me an endless amount of pain. I try and hold in my screams as best as I can, but the pain is too much. There is a possibility that I might bleed out before I get to her.

"Lucy." I cough out, spitting up more blood as the words leave my mouth.

I gasp for air, I can't move my body anymore. I simply reach for her, trying my best to touch her. I am almost to her, maybe ten feet away from her, but even though she is so close she seems so far. I hear a voice call out, but I can't make up what they are trying to say.

My vision becomes fussy, zooming in and out of focus. A hand touches my back, I cry out in pain. They roll me on my side, I curse who ever it is out, coughing each word out. They left me up and set me back down again, then lift whatever they used to carry me out of there. I reached for Lucy and see them do the same for her. My vision is taken from me, everything turns to black.

I jolt awake, looking at the walls inside the infirmary of the guild. I look around and I am laying in on of the beds, Lucy is too my right. I smile as my eyes land on her, a bandage is wrapped around her head and her arms. My arm and leg is elevated, also tightly bandaged. I move my head to look at my chest, the blood stained bandage over my lower abdomen and another over my torso.

I hear a silent shift in positions from Lucy, I turn to her and see she is facing me now. Her eyes have yet to open, but I see she is content in her dreams. She frowns her eyebrows then slightly opens her eyes. I can barely move but that doesn't stop my excitement.

She looks at me in confusion. "What's going on? Where are we?" She asks out of concern.

I have trouble moving, but I turn my head towards her. "What is the last thing you remember?" I croak out. My chest hurts trying to speak but I need to continue.

Lucy sits up, trying to figure out what the last thing she remembers is. "I remember, accepting the crown to our throne. I remember putting Phoenix to bed, then having an awful dream. Loki was there telling me that my celestial key's were absorbed within me when I received my powers. I remember you asking me a question, then my mind is fussy."

"You don't remember anything that happened within these last couple of months?" I am barely audible, but she can understand what I am saying.

She shakes her head, "no I don't remember anything."

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