The Things I See

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Natsu's POV

I sat there, watching my son playing with the toys people had brought him. He looks so happy, but so sad at the same time, how a baby can understand the situation. If he does, maybe it is just all in my head, the whole situation with Lucy is slowly killing me. She has been in that dungeon for a week, she hasn't spoke to anyone, the only thing that has come out of her mouth was, please let me wake up now. I can't understand what they did to her or why, no, I think I finally understand why they did it. They want our line to die.

I was getting lost in my thoughts, but I was getting angry. Everything around me became a blur. I imagined what they were doing to Lucy that night, they are using her to get to the guild, to everyone. I felt my body growing hotter, but that didn't snap me out of my daze. I rubbed my hands together, I cracked my knuckles. I was getting so angry. Why can't I do anything! Nothing I am doing is working, or it isn't working fast enough. Jellal and Wendy can't find anything that will help her. I don't want to lose hope, if anything we are the one true hope so someone give me an answer.

I heard someone calling me name, but I ignored it. I vividly thought of all the ways I could have changed the situation with Lucy a week ago. Replay after replay crawled back into my mind. On after another each scenario haunted me like a demon to the person he is attached too.

"Natsu!" Someone urgently yelled. They were trying to get me out of my daze, but I was too far gone to come out with just a simple yell. "Natsu!" They yell again.

In an instant I was covered, head to toe, in water. My body no longer felt as hot as it did a moment ago, but I am still warm in rage. I watch at the water droplets drip off of my hair and onto the floor. I could feel the water rolling down my bare chest and back, but I just continued to look at the floor. I am fully conscious and aware of my surroundings, but I do not want to move, I am too numb to. Wendy and Romeo were playing with Phoenix, dodging his fire and water balls.

I looked to my left, seeing a very concerned Nighteye standing there holding a bucket. I assume he is the one who threw the water on me. I sets the bucket down and continues to stare at me.

I do not give into the stare, but it is getting a little irritating having him continue to look at me. "What do you want?"

"You where on fire, you could have burned down the entire guild." Nighteye expresses his concerns. He takes a seat next to me and mimics the way I am sitting - elbows to m knees and my knuckles on each side of my cheeks."

I sigh, "I would have eventually put out my flame. I wouldn't endanger any of my guild mates like that. I am just thinking about something."

Nighteye releases a huff, I know he knows whats bothering me. My head bings to hurts to I put two fingers on each temple and begin rubbing them, in an attempt to try to stop the head ache. I stop rubbing to look at Phoenix, he rolls over now and reaches for more things. He can't crawl yet, but he is starting to get there. He falls on his stomach, watching Wendy smile at him and he smiles back.

"It's hard. He misses her and I don't know what to do, I am all by myself in taking care of him. I just wish Lucy didn't have to go through this and I wish I had answers." I put my head into my hands. "It's not like this time I can just have a rage fit and beat up anyone who hurt her. We are looking at a ghost, who is just sitting back and watching her destroy herself and her family. The thing I can't think of is why they would want to do any of this stuff. Plus I am ruling a kingdom and a baby by myself and I need help."

Nighteye put his arm around me, comforting me slightly. "I'm not saying that this isn't difficult on you, but why don't you at least try to go down there and talk to her, she just sits there. Not a sound, not even a peep. I want to believe that she isn't planning on killing everyone here, but who knows what this curse is doing to her."

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