What Have They Done

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Natsu's POV

I gaze at the love of my life. I couldn't believe she was awake after all this time, she has finally woken up from her slumber. I began walking closer to her, just looking as she was casually eating her apple as though nothing strange had ever happened. "Lucy I have missed you so much." I began walking towards her, but quickly realize how much magic power was coming from her. The magic power I was feeling was more than I had ever expected to come from her.

Lucy finishes the crisp red fruit, it took flame and shortly disappeared afterwards. She brings her knees to her chest and rests her head on the top of them, tracing the bar with her finger nail. She smiles and looks into my eyes, I can feel her looking into my soul with those chocolate orbs. "Oh Natsu, if only you knew how it felt to have so much power." She lets out a faint chuckle. "Only then would you know what true happiness feels like." 

I looked at her, and heard a a groan coming from my wounded comrades. I was quickly shocked into reality. I began walking closer to her, "Lucy did you do all of this," I asked calmly. I could feel her eyes watching my every move. 

She sighed and switched sitting positions, her legs hung over the bar as her arms placed at both sides of her body. "It such a shame you asking all of these pointless questions. Here I thought you would have been a fun husband." She but her nail in between her teeth and smiled. She Jumped off of the bar, her bare feet hitting the wood flooring, strolling towards me.

"Answer my question Lucy," I told her sternly. "Please, tell me you weren't the cause of this. Tell me it wasn't you." I try moving closer to her but something was off about her, I could see it in her eyes. 

She puts her finger to her chin, "I don't know Natsu. Did I?" She giggles, thinking that all of this was a giant game. I am trying to be as patient as I can, although she is making it very difficult to remain that way.

"Will you please stop the games already and talk to me." I beg her.

"I do not know what you are talking about." She smiles.

I march towards her griping her arms and sitting her down on one of the many bar stools that was still standing. She struggles a little beneath my grip, but she didn't seem to be bothered by my actions. It seems she rather enjoyed the motions. "Lucy did you do this?!" My voice raised at her. I just wanted to know the truth.

Lucy looked at me concerned, like I had just offended her or hurt her feeling by raising my voice to her. It probably wasn't the best move, but I need to know. She looks past me at all our fallen guild mates, all of them remained unconscious. Looking back at me, right into my eyes, I can see the far in her eyes. "Natsu," she began in the softest voice ever. "I did not do this." She looks around horrified at everyone.

I let out a sigh of relief, I knew she would never do anything like this. I knelt down to her, putting my head in her lap, also releasing my grip from her wrists. "That's great." It was good to have my wife up walking around again. I missed her voice, her touch, her everything. The guilt began to eat away at me, thinking that she would have done this sort of thing to the guild mates. "I am so sorry. I thought you had done this to them."

I felt her hands glide their way to my cheeks. She lifted my head from her lap, making me face her. "Oh Natsu," she faintly smiles. "Why would I ever do this sort of thing alone."

"Oh  Lucy," I began, I wanted her to know how sorry I really was. She gives off this evil ora but that might just be the curse that she just woke up from. "Please forgive-" I paused. My brain began to process what she said a moment ago. I am not sure if I heard her correctly but what was it that I heard. "Hey Lucy. What did you just say?"

Lucy put her head down, her beautiful blonde hair covered her face. "I said, 'why would I ever do this sort of thing alone'." 

I dug my finger in my ears to remove the ear wax that was blocking my hearing. "Wait did you say 'why would you ever do this alone'?" I didn't get any wax on my fingers so it must have been my imagination. 

"Yes." I look at her to see her wickedly smiling behind her hair. In a moment she looked up at me. Her light blue eyes were catching the attention of the sun. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I was getting further and further away from her, and I didn't know why. I shortly crashed into the wall creating a body sized creator in the wall. I fell to the ground, coughing at the loss of oxygen I had. 

I struggle to get up, but I looked up and saw Lucy standing there. Her head was facing the ground, then in a split second her eyes were locked on me. The dark ora I felt grew strong by the second. I could see purple shadows around her feet. "What the hell." Shadows came from cracks in the rock, window, the opening in the ceilings. The began to circle around her.

Lucy began to laugh, "Natsu, lets play a game." At that point I couldn't recognize her as my wife, but as a child born by Satan himself.


Hey guys, I am really sorry for the short chapter. I ideally wanted it to be longer but it ended up being wayy shorter than I intended it to be. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I had fun writing it. Keep a look out for the next chapter "What have you done." See ya in the next chapter.

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