Nine: Another group chat for the soul

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Gee: yo yo yo motherfuckers


tyler: _._::hèłłø::_._

joshuwa: wtf Tyler

Tyler: _._::ŵhø īś błùrrŷfäčė äñd ŵhŷ døęś hê ŵäñt më dēâd:_._

Gee: slightly creeped out right now

Ray: are you okay there Ty

Tyler: _._::błürrŷfáçê ïś īñśīdê âłł øf ŷøu::_._

Joshuwa: what is blurryface and why is it inside me

Frankie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) inside

Gee: wtf Frank no

Tyler: _._::gøød qùëštīøñ jøšh::_._

Ray: okay I'm leaving

Ray has left the chat

Tyler: _._::błūrrŷfåćė kñøŵś::_._

Josh: knows what

Tyler: _._::thāt ür â ñêrd::_._

Josh: are you fucking kidding me

Tyler: _._::błürrŷfâçé häš ñø tímé før jøkëś::_._

Josh: bluerryface can suck my ass

Tyler: _._::błùrrŷfâçê ŵíłł bê døíñg ñø åśš šüčkìñg::_._

Gee: I'm just gonna sit back and watch this

Frankie: this is gold

Josh: pls stop typing like that

Tyler: _._::błürrŷfâćê døëš ñøt łīkê ŷøùr tøñê ríght ñøŵ::_._

Josh: you sound like my mom omg stop

Tyler: _._::błùrrŷfäćê íš ŷøür møm::_._

Frankie: woah plot twist

Tyler: _._::īñdéēd::_._

Josh: oh I'm leaving

Josh has left the chat

Tyler: _._::śäłtŷ::_._


A/N: okay here is a shitty chapter just because i have no plot. YET
- A

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