Twenty Two: Pete isnt fucking around

440 61 10

Pete added Gee to a chat

Pete: what the fuck happened

Pete: are you okay

Pete: is Mikey okay

Pete: I just saw smoke coming through the door way and Mikey started coughing and then he dropped his phone and it cut off

Pete: I'm so scared

Gee: hey

Pete: oh thank fuck you're alive

Pete: what happened though

Gee: there was a fire in my mom's room, no one noticed until the fire like completely covered her room

Pete: oh god

Pete: is Mikey okay

Gee: he's in hospital

Pete: which one

Pete: I swear to fuck you need to tell me which one

Gee: don't you live like 3 hours away

Pete: do I sound like I'm fucking around


I have no idea where this story is going
- xoA

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