Four: Fucking hell i can't think of a chapter title

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Pete: Mikes?

Mikey: Pete? Thank god

Pete: can I explain why I was gone for that long?

Mikey: please do because I'm worried sick about you

Pete: well, you know how I was feeling like absolute shit?

Mikey: yeah...

Pete: I didn't go for a walk. Well I was going to until I found some pills in the bathroom

Mikey: please don't tell me this is going where I think it's going

Pete: unfortunately so

Pete: well long story short I took like about 15 of the pills. Fuck I can't remember

Pete: my friend Patrick found me and took me to the hospital. I fucking hate hospitals and I was there for a few days. My phone was at home and when I finally got out I was too scared to tell you that night.

Pete: I'm so sorry

Mikey: fuck I'm crying

Mikey: I just wish I could've been there for you

Mikey: I just want to give you a fucking hug right now

Pete: please don't cry, it's only me

Mikey: only you? Even though this is over the Internet you are one of the best friends I've ever had Pete

Pete: aww Mikey I can say the same for you

A/N: I guess this is kinda a filler chapter, hence why it's very short.
I wanna say thanks to everyone who is actually reading this shit, love youuu
Comments/votes are very much appreciated

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