Fourty Two: you fucking homosexual midget

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Mikey added Frnk to a chat.

Mikey: Frank????

Mikey: how did you fuck up

Mikey: is Gerard okay

Mikey: are you okay

Mikey: you fucking homosexual midget answer me

Frnk: I don't know where Gerard is

Mikey: have you checked everywhere

Frnk: yES

Frnk: I've checked all around the town and every possible place he could be

Mikey: fuck

Mikey: I have to come back right now

Mikey: I'm leaving now, I'll be about an hour if I don't get pulled over for speeding

Frnk: be safe Jesus Christ

And that was the moment that Mikey left a sleeping Pete alone at his house. No note, no nothing. Just taking his stuff and leaving


Hello friends !!! I'm sorry about the late chapter but we get onto the real plot here. Hope you enjoyed
- xoA

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