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The Sun shines through the window as if it is my own natural alarm clock, awakening my exhausted body with its bright lights. I lie there for a second wondering if today would for once go my way. I lie there silently as if waiting for someone to tell me to move. All there is encouraging me to get up is the thought of Warm coffee in the other room. Even then I still don't want to get out of bed. I finally roll off the bed suddenly getting the need to use the bathroom. I rush through my tiny apartment to the bathroom and do my business quietly. I go into the kitchen which is completely silent except for the birds tweeting outside. I turn on the kettle and take a seat on the balcony soaking up the sun like a cold-blooded reptile. I bring my knees into my chest as I watch the passing traffic below me.

Once the kettle has boiled I pour myself the cup of coffee I have been craving for all morning. I take a sip of the boiling water, I didn't care that it has just burnt my tongue the taste is all I need. I finished my coffee, I get changed quickly into a Black Skirt and Purple Blouse tucked in. I slip into my favourite black ballet flats. I grab my bag and walk down the stairs of my apartment complex. I hop into my Mint Coloured Mini Cooper and head to my Dance Studio, I am a dancer I do Contemporary, ballet and hip-hop I started dancing when I was eight me and my sister used to do it together. Its like my little getaway from life. I graduated high school last year. But I have job, my mother is a social worker so I help out at the centre she owns for youth well-being. I get to see kids as young as 8 to 21. My mother does the main counselling for the kids. I am there to make sure kids are feeling okay and I help out people with similar depression and Anxiety disorder that I do. I don't have a degree in psychology, I just have so much experience within that area sadly.

"Adeline honey could you please look after little Adrian for a second while I do some paper work?" My mother asks and a little boy comes up to me. His eyes are filled with despair and sadness. I have just finished dancing and I am now at work.
"Hey Adrian what's up." I say to the ten year old in front of me.
"I'm getting a new family." He says quietly.
"Well isn't that great buddy." I try to change the mood.
"I don't know if they will love me?" His eyes are filling with tears.
"I'm sure they will love you its okay Adrian do you want to play some Lego in the kids corner." He nods wiping his tired eyes and runs off to the play area. Poor little boy, His Mother left him with my mother because she was unable to care for him so my mother found him a new loving family since our one is very full.

I have two adopted Brothers and One Adopted sister, whom my mother took in. There is Jack who is fourteen, Evan who is sixteen and Kelly who is six. I wasn't an only child before they were adopted. I actually have a twin. Well I did until a year and a half ago. Her name was Jaqueline. She was sadly very sick even though the doctors said it was curable but it would be a long time. They said she would survive. It wasn't going to kill her, it just caused her so much pain that she took her own life. She didn't let herself be cured she just took away her own life before anything could have done that. It is so depressing that the last 3 years of her life were spent being very sick and in and out of hospitals. She was fourteen when she was diagnosed with it.

I find myself crying on the couch in front of the kid's area. Remembering that the person I shared a womb with, the person I spent every wakening second with. Is dead and has been for A year and 7 months. I have to leave to my mother's Office to calm down. I can't calm down as I know I'm having an anxiety attack. I feel like I have been shot in the chest. My head is throbbing, my breathing is very uneven. I clutch on to the chair of my mother's office. I try to breath but body just won't cooperate with me. Come on Adeline its okay she is in a better place without any pain. Jaqueline is in a safe place and she is probably doing fine. I try to keep that on repeat in my head as I am shaking. I'm a mess. I bite my lip so the tears will stop rolling down my cheeks. I bite my bottom lip as hard as I can. Until I taste my own blood. The sobs come out again. They are almost never ending.
"Adeline, honey calm down." My mother walks in and rushes to my side.
"Come on baby girl calm down." She pulls me into a hug and I sob into her arms. I calm down after a few minutes of crying in her arms.
"Sorry for leaving Adrian, I just started thinking of Jaqueline." I say wiping the blood from my lip with a tissue.
"It's okay Addy, I know it's hard you two were inseparable." She smiles giving me a hug, most likely remembering a good memory of her daughter.
"Your father is back from his business trip and he's waiting outside do you want to see him?" She says happily, my dad is barely home usually out on business trips for his clients. I walk out to see my tall dad dressed in jeans and a hoodie.
"Finally dad you're out of that stupid suit you always wear." I rush up and hug him.
"Hey Addy, How's Uni treating ya." He says.
"Good Photography is going very well." He smiles.
"I have to go home to Evan, jack and little Kelly see ya later short stack." He says patting my head. I'm not even that short I'm 5ft 7in but he is 6ft 3in so I guess there is a difference.
"I'm not short dad." I yell back and grab my handbag.
"Hey mum I got to run." I kiss her on the cheek and leave quickly. I jump in my mini cooper, I drive down the busy streets of Brighton.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I love all you guys so much and it would mean alot if you commented your feedback or even voted if you liked it. Bye Guys Have a wonderful day.

- Ruby ✌

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