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I sit on my bed debating if I should actually go to work today or the doctors. I look around my room which is a plain white colour, however one wall is painted a beautiful mint green. I have fairy lights hanging around my room. I also have a billion photos stuck on the walls. Mostly of me and my friends, or with my beautiful sister. However one photo stands out. It was our year 11 formal. My sister and I stand side by side with our dates. My sister smiles but I can see she wasn't happy. She looked stunning even though she was extremely sick. She looked prettier than I did. I smile at the picture and finally get out of bed. I stand on my balcony taking in the fresh air. I try to slide the door shut as I walk back inside but I can't. I have completely forgotten I have done something to my wrist. The doctors it is then. I call up the doctor's office and book an appointment. I get changed into a nice spring dress and some flats. I do my makeup all natural and tie my long blonde hair into a ponytail. I make myself a coffee on the way out.

"Okay so what have you done to yourself now Miss Cook?" Dr Calendo asks, He has been my doctor since I was five so I have seen him for every accident I have had.
"Well I ran into someone and fell down a few stairs and landed on my wrist." I explain to him.
"Of course you did now can I have a look at it." He asks and starts doing all his doctor smart stuff.

"Well I am sure you have sprained it and you might have even fractured something, its going to be fine just keep it in this sling and if it still hurts in a few weeks then come back in. See ya Adeline."
"Thank you Doc." Now I am going to go to work because I have no projects due for Uni. I know it's so exciting.
"Hi mum, sorry I didn't come to dinner last night I sprained my wrist falling down the stairs." I say as I walk into the youth centre.
"Good thing you're here you have a Teenage boy waiting for his talk session with you." Oh sugar I forgot I was scheduled to talk to three people today and I have already missed two. Ingush into my office.
"Hey Adeline the girl who fell down the stairs." I look up to see Luke sitting there.
"Oh hey Luke what are you doing here?" I say nervously putting down my stuff and getting my notepad out.
"My mum is making me do this."
"So do you have depression?" I ask.
"Where is the councillor?"
"I'm not a councillor but I run these extra sessions for people who just need someone to talk to and help them out." I say.
"You work here?" He sounds so surprised.
"Yeah my mum runs the place, I'm sorry but now we actually have to talk about your problems." I say.
"So start talking about your depression." I encourage him.
"I'm not going to because I'm not depressed anymore my dad died four years ago I'm okay now, I no longer get bullied because I'm not in high school. I'm fine now okay." He rushes out.
"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Oh of course you are, everyone one is and they haven't even met him."
"No I really am sorry I lost my twin sister a year and a half ago I know what you went through." I say comforting him.
"Oh wow I'm so sorry Adeline."
"Okay if you don't want to talk Luke you can leave."
"What about we go to your house after your shift and we can get to know each other better."

"Why my house?" I ask wondering why.
"Because trust me you don't want to go to mine." I can see the pain in his eyes as he spoke.
"Fine I will have to write down that you didn't want the session and came here to cancel." I say and send an email to my mother.
"Thank you so much Adeline." Luke says as we walk out together.
"Becca I just emailed my mum, but if you could tell I went back to my place." Becca nods and I scan my ID out.
"Now Adeline be careful down these steps wouldn't want another sprained wrist." He teases. I walk down the stairs carefully.

"Welcome to my home." I say enthusiastically.
"I have been here before." Oh yeah forgot about that.
"But anyway do you want to go to my room or living room which has like nothing in it."
"Your room you did say you have a balcony." He says. We walk into my room awkwardly, why the hell I am letting a stranger walk into my room, well I don't know for some reason I feel like I know him.

We have been sitting on my bed for an hour just talking. I didn't care if I barely knew him I feel like I have known him for years.
"So do you like my photo collection?"
"Yeah it's amazing." He then looks at my bedside table, he looks at the year 11 formal photo.
"Is that your sister? She is beautiful." He says admiring the photo.

"Yeah She was beautiful even when she was going through it all a week later after the formal, she did it, and she committed suicide she swallowed 15 of her pain killers and they ended up killing her I will never forget the day I walked in and found her on the bathroom floor, my whole life turned upside down. I had depression and I had developed social anxiety. I swear sometimes I just wanted to be with her. I just wanted my little sister. I wanted to kill myself at times just so I could be with her. I just couldn't handle it anymore. My life went downhill since her death. I started to get bullied at school because I would have an anxiety attack in the middle of class it just sucked."

I start pouring out my heart and the tears start pouring out to.
"Oh Adeline you didn't have to tell me all that, it's okay." He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest. I have known this guy for what barely two days and I have told him everything about myself.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I say wiping my eyes.
"Because I think we could be really good friends or something." He says shyly.
"Yeah me too." I say, I look at his shirt to see if there was any mascara marks. There was none because I used waterproof mascara unlike all those Cliché movies.

"So what's your story Luke?" He basically just learnt mine so.

"Well my I had depression for a few years after my dad died in a horrific car crash, kids at school were horrible to me because I wasn't very attractive nor athletic. I do a course online, didn't get my forms in on time." He explains.
"Now let's watch a movie on Netflix." I say trying to change the mood. I grab my laptop and load up Netflix. I end up choosing The Last Song. Which I'm not sure Luke really wanted to watch. I end up crying in the end of it when her father dies. We then start watching the avengers.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please note that it is unedited so please don't judge.

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- Ruby

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