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"Hey Jackie I'm sorry I didn't visit. I was too scared and upset." I whisper towards her grave. I wipe my eyes that are already wet with tears from the party.
"I really wish you were here sis." I crouch down to put down some flowers.
"I really do miss you and your little Life lessons with Jackie." I smile remembering all the times I would sit at the end of her hospital bed. And she would tell me another life lesson mostly funny ones. She would always give the best advice on men though.
"Jackie I really don't know what to do. I love Luke so much but he is the third guy to have cheated on me. However he is the first one to have admitted it. I love him. He gave me this beautiful ring and now I don't even know if he loves me any more." A tear slowly rolls down my cheek. I think I should do what Jackie and I used to do every time we were upset.

Dance. The only way I can feel completely at Ease. The only way I can my mind out of this cruel world.

I pick myself up off the ground. I blow a kiss goodbye to the grave and walk off past grieving families mourning their loved ones. I just keep my head down and walk towards my car. I turn the music up loud to tune out all the thoughts running through my mind.

"And when the lights start flashing like a photo-booth
And the stars exploding
We'll be fireproof
My youth
My youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth
My youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore"

I arrive at the dance studio that is completely empty. I walk inside and find my locker with my spare dance wear and my usual dance room. I change quickly and switch on the new music to my new contemporary dance routine.

"Oh my goodness! Adeline that's good." I turn around to see Bella in a leotard.

"Hey Bella How's the ballet going?" I say taking the CD out.

"Really good. Luke told me you too were going to a party today."
"Why did Luke tell you?"

"We had a family dinner and he used that as his excuse"

"Yeah Well I left. Luke Must have been Intoxicated at one point a cheated on me." I say biting my lip to stop my tears.
"He must of been very drunk. Because Addy Luke loves you a lot. Like he loves you more than anything in the world." She starts to stretch her leg over the pole.
"But I don't know. Its going to be really hard to trust him now after this. This is the third time a guy has cheated on me."

"I may only be sixteen but Adeline He loves you. And you love him too. You even have a promise ring on your finger to prove that point. I don't care take your time to forgive him but don't lose him Adeline." She pleads.

"Hey Bella I would love to help you train but I really need to sleep tomorrow is the final check before Cinderella."

"Bye Adeline Good Luck." I wave goodbye and leave Bella alone. I walk out into the pouring rain that has just started Falling heavily. I Pull my jacket up above my head. Of Course it's raining. It's always a cliché in books and movies that it rains when sadness occurs. I really have no idea why rain is associated with rain. I love the rain. The pitter patter noise it makes when it lands on objects. The noise is so calming. My anxiety attacks would always ease during the rain.

I drive back to the apartment to see Luke's car in the car park. I instantly step on the accelerator and reverse out of the car park. I can't go see him. I drive to the place where I spent 17 years of my life growing up.

42 Graceling Street. The huge old brick house. With the huge Blue Door Jackie and I painted ourselves at the age of 12. It looked odd. But so is my family.

I run out in the rain and knock on the door.
"Adeline What's up?" She says as she swings the door open.
"Mum" I wrap my arms around her and just cry into her caring shoulder. She pulls me into the house and shut the door behind me.
"Oh my baby girl what happened?" She says using her thumb to wipe the tears away.
"Luke, Luke cheated on me... I visited Jackie." I cry.
"Come on Addy sit down and breath." She guides me to the old sofa.

"Honey I am going to give you some completely honest advice. If you love him and he Loves you then you will get over this okay. Who knows the girl might have pushed herself onto him and it just happened. We all make mistakes and it would be another mistake to let him go this easy." She says holding my hands and rubbing circles into my palm like she did when I was a kid.

"What about you and dad?"

"We aren't in love anymore. We were married for twenty five years, yes those were some of my most happiest years of my life. But some of them were the worst. We also never have any time for each other. He would barely be home he would always be in London. So getting a divorce and him moving to London has been for the best and we are both happy." She says giving a smile but her eyes gave away her sadness.
"Now I think you need to go to bed. Sweet pea." She helps me up off the couch and leads me to my old childhood bedroom. The walls were still a dull purple and everything is still in its place since I moved out four years ago. I climb underneath the blue duvet. And lie on my side.
"Goodnight. Sweetie. Get some sleep. I love you." She places a light kiss on my forehead. She shuts the door gently.


"Come on baby girl. Don't want to be late." My dad says as I fix up my outfit. My white dress flowing to the ground.
"It wouldn't surprise me if I were late to my own wedding." I giggle and link my arm with his. He opens the doors to the church. Every one looks at me as I walk down to Luke my handsome groom. I look at my bridesmaids to see Jackie. Jackie is standing there in a beautiful baby pink dress with a bouquet of flowers. My eyes water as I get closer and closer to her. I look at Luke and he is smiling from ear to ear in his tight fitted tuxedo. I look down at my bouquet of flowers and smile to myself. At the end of today I will be Mrs Rhodes.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest says. I wrap my arms gently around Luke's neck as our lips touch softly and move in sync.
"I love you Adeline Rhodes."
"I Love you too Luke Rhodes." He picks me up bridal style and he carries me out of the church.
"Luke I love you. But I really need to see Jackie." I say as we hit the cold fresh air. He puts me down and kisses me on the cheek. I walk slowly not wanting to trip over in my four inch heels.
"Jackie!" I call with no response.
"Jaqueline! It's Adeline. Your twin." I call out again as I get closer.
I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around.
"You should have died. Not me." She says slowly. My eyes start to water and then she disappears into thin air. Gone.


I wake up in tears. I look over to my alarm clock. Four Thirty in the morning. I kick off the duvet and sit up wiping all of the tears off my tired face.

Maybe I did deserve what has happened. Maybe Jackie was right.

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