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"Thank you Ella." I say to the Uber driver.

"Your welcome honey." She says. I am still in tears from the pool party. I run up the stairs hoping to catch anyone's attention. I search my pockets for my house keys. Oh no, I have left them at the jerk's house. I can't go back for them. I knock on the door hoping for Bella to answer it.
"Who is it?" I hear Luke call out.
"Adeline Please let me." I say quietly, The door swings open.
"The date wasn't good was it?" He asks, I shake my head and burst into tears. He surprisingly pulls me into a hug.
"Do you want to tell me what happened Addy?" He says leading me into my own bedroom.
"What so you can say I told you so."
"No so you can let it all out." I sit on my bed and he sits across from me.

"He cheated Luke, He cheated on me with some Naomi girl." I wipe my eyes.
"Oh what a douchebag." He says.
"Then I ran into my Ex and he called me a B*tch twice."
"What an idiot, who are these people, can I please knock some sense into them." He says angrily.
"Don't hurt anyone, but I sort of threw his towel and new phone in the poo
"That's my girl, good job Addy." He says making me smile.
"But I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone Luke, my last two boyfriends have cheated on me it must be me." I cry.
"No Addy they aren't good enough for you." He rubs my back.
"No but all the other girls are tall and pretty they all look like supermodels and I'm just the depressed girl sitting in the corner." I cry into his chest.

"Listen to me Adeline, you are the kindest girl I have ever met. You aren't the depressed girl you are a strong girl who puts on a smile even when her whole world is breaking around her. They might all look pretty but you are Beautiful. And come on your not even that short." I smile at the end part.
"How can you be so nice when I was so mean to you."
"Because I was a bit over protective over you and it was my fault. You deserve someone being nice to you and besides you let me move in with you when I got kicked out." He hugs me.

"I think you should sleep Addy."
"Can you stay with me so I'm not alone?" I ask my voice tired from crying.
"Sure." He gets into bed beside me.

"Thank you Luke." I whisper quietly.
"I really like you Addy, just so you know." He mumbles.

"Wake up Addy." I hear Luke's husky morning voice. I rub my eyes and roll over to face him.
"Wait are you shirtless?" I mumble.
"Do you mind it got a little hot last night." He says and clears his.
"Oh I don't mind at all." I say eyeing him up and down.
"Are you checking me out?" He says getting out of bed.
"Maybe got a problem?"
"No I do not, however if your shirt was off." He smirks.
"Luke come on." I say and hit him in the arm.
"I'm just saying come on Addy its only fair." He keeps on with the joke.
"I am not taking my shirt off for you enjoyment." I say and get out of bed.
"No get out I need to get ready for work."
"Oh can't I stay I mean maybe you need some help buttoning up your blouse." He says as I push him out.
"Nope I know how to button up a shirt Lukey I'm not three." I say and slam the door shut. I want into my ensuite and hop in the shower I need to make sure all my so called feelings for Liam are washed off properly.

"Mum don't worry I'm here not a minute late." I say sliding into my desk chair and starting up the admin computer. Yes she has let me become the receptionist.
"Good because today is a busy day we are having an inspection from the government." She says stressed out.
"Mum don't worry I have got it all under control, I will put on my best fake smile maybe I will crack a real one if their nice." I joke and hand my mum her well-needed coffee.
"Thank you baby girl there will be a family dinner tonight there are a few announcements bring Luke or Liam if you want." She says and kisses me on the cheek.
"Liam is a jerk mum."
"So he is not a goodie?"
"Nope complete asshole."
"Watch your language but good you found out before it was too late and Luke's a nice boy so bring him." My mother calls out as she walks down the hall to her office.

"Luke Please." I plead
"I'm not going to your family dinner Adeline." He sighs.
"Luke I will kick you out."
"Fine I will go, you were joking right?" He gives in.
"Yeah but your still coming with me now get dressed in something nice, Thank you Lukey." I blow him a fake kiss and slip into a blue dress and black heels.
"Luke are you ready yet? Lucas hurry up!" I yell.
"I'm coming I'm coming, Calm down Addy." He rushes out.
"Wow a tie suits you I could get used to that look." I say as we leave the apartment.
"Well that blue dress fits you beautifully." He complements.
"Well thank you Lucas." I say in a posh accent.
"Adeline my real name isn't Lucas it is just Luke." He corrects me.
"Well sorry, now you have to act normal at the dinner."
"When do I ever not act normal."
"This morning when you were trying to get me to take off my shirt." I say elbowing him in the stomach as we walk to my old family home.
"Well it doesn't matter because you look pretty hot with one on." He flirts.
"Well you look good with your shirt off." I accidently blurt out.
"Oh so you like Me."
"Never said that just said you look okay."
"Well what about after I do this." He cups my face and presses his lips against mine. I pause for a second then our lips move in sync.
"I think we should go before my parents get suspicious." I say blushing.
"Yeah totally." He says nervously. We walk the rest of the way in silence. I don't know what to think after that kiss. I thought we were just playfully flirting not seriously.

"Oh Darling what took you so long." My mother hugs me. Luke and I walk in slowly.
"Oh Luke just couldn't tie a tie" I make up a lie.
"Really Addy or were you too busy having sex with him." My brother Evan comes up behind me.
"No we were not, we aren't dating we are just friends with no benefits."
"Evan I really think you should shut your mouth considering the news you are about to give her.
"What news might that be Evan?" I ask.
"Your idiot boyfriend has gotten his beautiful girlfriend Elena pregnant." My mother says looking disappointed.
"Wow Evan you really should be keeping your mouth shut and learn to use a condom." I tease him. I lead Luke inside the house.
"Wow your family is very interesting."
"Why thank you Luke but I'm not actually related to any of my siblings so that don't get it from me." I laugh.
"Oh yeah adoption but I still think they got it from you babe."
"Oh did I say that I meant Addy." He says scratching his forehead awkwardly. Well this just got weird.
"Kids Dinner is ready come on I made a roast." My father yells through the house. I walk through the kitchen to see my whole family sitting there waiting for us two.

"Oh Mother this is a beautiful meal." I say taking a bite of my chicken.
"Yeah Mrs Cook this is great." Luke comments.
"Oh Luke Dear just call me Meredith." She says with her sweet smile creating wrinkles at the sides of her eyes.
"Well its great Meredith." He smiles back.
"So Luke what do you do?"
"Well I have started a culinary course I hope to become a chef." He says.
"So you like to cook?" My mother says hopefully.
"I love it, I cook a bit at home but Adeline likes to take charge sometime." He laughs.
"She has always been stubborn since she was little." My dad says.
"So I heard there were a few announcements so what are they." I asks wiping my mouth.
"Well your brother got accepted into a graphic designs course and your father and I are getting a divorce." My mother says casually.
"A divorce why you guys are so happy." I say my eyes threatening to spill tears why the hell am I so fragile lately. Luke intertwines his hand with mine underneath the table comforting me.
"Honey you haven't been home much this year a lot has happened and your mother and I thought it was for the best. We still love all of guys so much." My father says.
"That's not a reason. Why Mum? Why Dad?" I say my voice breaking.
"Your father is moving to London for work. We just can't stay together Addy." My mum says the sadness was so noticeable by her face.
"What about the kids?"
"Well Eric is moving out, Jack and Kelly will be with me during the week their fathers on the weekend its fair we will not be fighting for custody." My father answers my question.

"I think Luke and I will be going home thank you for dinner." I get up from the dining room table.
"Okay bye sweetie." My father hugs me.
"Bye daddy, please meet me before you leave."
"Of course you're my little girl." I kiss him on the cheek and take Luke's hand.

"Well that was a Surprising Evening." He says as we walk down the quiet street.

 I know I keep doing to updates at once just easier for me so sorry. Please tell me what you think.


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