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Chapter 8.

I bow and walk off the stage as I get a standing applause. I have made it. I officially made it in the dance industry. I was just the main ballerina. My heart is pumping so fast as I run off stage. I can't help myself from smiling. This is the happiest I have been in years. I can't believe I went from considering suicide to being a professional ballerina. I feel like I have accomplished my life goal in being happy.

I run into Luke's arms when he comes into view backstage. I wrap my legs around his waist and arms gently around his neck. I smash my lips against his. My heart feels like it could pop out of chest.
"You were Exceptional on stage." His says breaking off the kiss.
"I'm exhausted." I say as I land on the ground from his hold. I turn around to see my Mum, siblings, Bella and Evan's pregnant girlfriend Elena.

I hug everyone and except the two bouquets of flowers I have been handed.
"Thank you guys so much I would love to stay for longer but I am so exhausted." I say after receiving a ton of hugs and congratulations.
"Yeah honey I think you should go home and get Luke to run you a bath." My mother says.
"Okay thank you guys talk you all soon." I say going into my change room. I get out of my leotard and tutu. I rub my makeup off and slip into my more comfortable clothing and shoes.

"Would you like a bath with candles My Beautiful Ballerina?" Luke says as he swings the front door open.
"Yes Please." I say and take a seat.
"Thank god I'm moving out of here soon." Bella says as she sits on the other couch.
"You're moving out?" I ask surprised.
"Yeah into my Aunt's spare room." She says taking her out of its ponytail.
"How come I didn't know this."
"Luke didn't want you to worry." She says as I hear the water start to run in the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom on my aching feet. Pointe shoes seriously kill your feet.

"Babe it's ready." He calls out and turns to face me. I hug him and give him a kiss on the lips.
"You know you're the best boy..." I stop there, It has just come to my realisation we aren't dating we haven't even been out on a date.
"So I'm the best boy?" He questions.
"Well I was going to say boyfriend but we're not dating." I say sadly.
"Well Adeline I really like you and I want to be more than friends. Will you do the honours of being my girlfriend?" He asks bending on one knee.
"Yes I will marry you." I joke pulling him off his one knee.
"What about we wait another year then I might think about marriage."
"I was joking Lukey." I say sounding like a four year old.
"I know little one now go have a bath and relax I am going to make some pasta for you." He walks out of the room and I strip down to nothing and hop into the bubbly hot water. It's like the hot water has just released all my tight and tensed muscles. My legs can finally stretch. My feet pop up and lean on top of the baths edge. My toes already have blisters on them from those darn shoes. My feet nearly knock over the beautifully coconut scented candles which are all along the room. Luke is seriously a sweetheart. Luke Rhodes is now my boyfriend something I hope I won't regret.

I try to reach for my towel that is supposed to be sitting on the basin. But of course Luke forgot to provide me with a towel to dry myself. I swear if he has done that on purpose he will have a very annoyed girlfriend.

"Luke Frederick Rhodes My Towel is missing." I yell out to him.
"I'm coming Adeline." He yells back. He barges in with my white fluffy towel.
"Pass it here and don't look." I say harshly. He hands the towel to me and I step out of the tub covering myself. As I try to open the door my towel decides it no longer wants to be attached to me. It falls to the ground and I do the same trying to cover myself.
"Cute Butt Addy." Luke comments as he walks out.
"You are such a D*ck." I say and wrap it around myself. Lucky that's all he saw.
I walk into my closet and find my favourite pair of pyjamas. It's a t-shirt that says Eat sleep Repeat and cute shorts that have lace hanging off the bottom. I walk out to the kitchen to see a candle lit dinner on the kitchen table.

"Damn it Luke you could have told me you were being cute and romantic before I put on my pyjamas." I sigh and take the seat opposite him.
"I don't care what you're wearing or if you have makeup on or not. I like you for you and you are pretty drop dead gorgeous without even trying." He says.
"Aww thanks you're pretty awesome too." I joke and dig into my food.
"Consider this a first date." He says.
"Yes! I have always wanted to have a first date that isn't completely awkward. And its pretty great I can wear no makeup at the same time"
"Well romantic first dates aren't really my thing I'm better at doing fun things or stuff at home." He says then takes a bite of his food.
"Well those are my favourite types of dates." I smile at him.

His arms wrap around my waist as I clean the dishes. He kisses my cheek as I scrub the last plate.
"Do you want me to dry?" I nod and he takes the drying cloth off the bench and starts to the dry the dishes.
"You know what we should invest in a dishwasher. Because this is totally ruining our romantic date." He says putting all the dishes away.
"Aww don't you like doing the dishes with me." I pout.
"No but I would much rather be doing this." He grabs my waist and pulls me into him. My arms soon find their way around his neck and our lips meet. It isn't just a short and sweet peck this kiss is full of passion.

"I really like you Luke Fredrick Rhodes."
"I really Like you too Adeline Harriet Cook "

I hope you Enjoyed This Chapter, So do you Ship 'Ladeline'. Comment another ship name if you want.  Please tell me what you think about the book so far.

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-R u b y

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