~Chapter 9~

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Chapter Song 

The Fall - Imagine Dragons


Salvatore sat silently on his father's office chair. He no longer wanted to be around the mourners, didn't want to hear how sorry they were, if there was anything they could do, how he was doing. It irritated him and he had no interest in helping them feel better about themselves knowing they had paid their respects.

He ran his fingertips over the dark brown highly polished desk. The piece was an antique, one of the sturdiest pieces of furniture in the entire home.

"Non li fanno più come questo." (They don't make them like this anymore.)

His father would tell him on the days he was feeling particularly nostalgic.

"Va bene papa" (Ok father)

He would respond, generally with little regard. He would always begin conversations regarding what to do in the event of his death by bringing up his office furniture.

"Un giorno tutto questo sarà tuo."(One day all of this will be yours)

His words burning in his ears as he reached for one of his father's cigars placing it between his lips while pouring himself another glass of scotch.
His eyes moved up towards the door as it opened. He watched tentatively as Luca stood still in the doorway awaiting permission to enter. It was ironic really, watching him wait to be let in when Luca would normally be the one allowing people in to visit Salvatore.

"Come in." He motioned towards him reaching for another glass pouring him a drink. He pushed the glass towards him surprising Luca once he took his seat.

"Boss. Has err, something happened?" Luca was nervous, extremely nervous. He shuffled slightly in his seat before reaching for the glass. Salvatore hadn't spoken to him one on one for a long time, it was as though he no longer existed, and Luca accepted his punishment. Never complaining, not even once. His position had been downgraded to the streets yet he adjusted accordingly.
Now his boss was calling him in to speak alone, pouring him a drink. Had he even ever poured him a drink while they were on good terms?

"Many things have happened, wouldn't you say Luca?" Salvatore took a large mouthful of his scotch.

"Yes. A lot has happened."

"You're going to tell me everything." He stated all too suddenly. He moved his head to the left of his shoulder then right earning a loud crack in the deadly silent room.
"You're going to start from the rooftop bar to when you came to my home with Adriana. And don't tell me you didn't kiss her Luca, if you lie to me you're done. You understand?"

"Salvo you don't want-"

"Luca" he let out a frustrated noise, "she was covering for you, you know it, I know it. The next time you open your mouth you better be telling me the truth. I don't want men I can't trust by my side." He looked up to find Luca with a shocked look on his face. This was clearly not the discussion he was expecting to have.

"You want me to come back?"

"Haven't decided, I guess it depends on how much of your story I believe."

Luca picked up his glass once more; he brought it to his lips and tilted his head back throwing the entire contents of the glass down his throat. The alcohol instantly burning on the way down.
He placed the empty glass down, cleared his throat and began to speak.

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