~Chapter 35~

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Chapter Song

All I have – The Veronicas


"Is this a joke to you?" Officer Ben O'Conner asked with all seriousness. She had brought him nothing and this was certainly not part of the deal.

So far, he was holding up his part of the bargain. He was keeping Elena out of prison with the promise of immunity after conviction. He had even been able to organize communication with her solely via himself.
It had not gone down too well with the FBI agents involved; it was their RICO case after all. But Elena was not willing to risk being caught speaking to an agent.
A police officer she could make up an excuse about. Salvatore was already aware of her past run ins with the men in blue, adding another petty crime to her rap sheet wouldn't turn many heads towards her. But being caught speaking to the FBI – she simply couldn't risk that.

"I don't think you understand the concept of the deal Elena." Ben whisper-yelled becoming more and more aggravated while he watched her stare into her glass of freshly pressed juice. "No conviction. No deal!"

Elena let out a long nervous breath. Her head remained down as she continued to stare back into her glass. She wasn't stupid, she was fully aware of the deal made between them. She certainly hadn't forgotten. All the alcohol in the world couldn't make her forget.
"I don't know what you expect me to do." Her voice sincere as she brought the glass to her lips for a refreshing mouth full during this bitter conversation. "I understand the terms of our deal," she confirmed placing the glass back down, a finger tip tracing the edge of the glass nervously. "What I don't understand is what exactly I am looking for and how you expect me to obtain it without being killed!"

"The FBI already explained this Elena. You do your part and after you join the WPP, that's how we keep you alive!"

"Right." She rolled her eyes at him before chuckling to herself. "Witness Protection Program. That's going to help me not get caught..."

"Elena, it's your own fückĩng responsibility to not get caught gathering the information. FBI will only provide protection if you wear a wire."

"I'm not wearing a wire." She snapped back almost instantly. "I'm as good as dead if I'm caught with that. I'd be dead before the FBI even realize I've been caught."

"Well then you're on your own."

"Why are the FBI involved? What do they have on Salvo?"

"Elena." Ben exhaled, unable to comprehend the fact that she was seriously asking. "No more questions. You need to work harder by the time we get to our next meeting. I'll cover for your lack of information this time, but we won't be making a habit of this."


"What can I get you?" The barman queried wiping his hands on the hooked up dish cloth at the corner of the register.

"I'm actually looking for someone; I've been told she works here. Adriana?"

The barman raised an eyebrow leaning over bar slightly, "surname?" He queried acting naive.

"Well," he let out a breath his shoulders sagging over in the process, he had no idea what her surname was. "Honestly I don't know, we met at a ah..." He struggled to find the words to describe their meeting place, it was confidential after all. "It's kind of a private meeting." He revealed. "Look, my name is Adam and if you do have an Adriana who works here I'd really appreciate it if I could leave my number for her, she can decide if she wants to call me."

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