~Chapter 40~

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Chapter Song

Fire N Gold – Bea Miller

A special thank you to Obsceneirrationality for the song recommendation =D


"We have to talk." Adriana's voice reluctant as she pressed up against a vanity table. Her lips quickly being recapture by Salvatore's as he propped her up against the furniture.
Her body betrayed her. It always did when he was concerned. It was ironic really; she had spent so long resisting him only to now be swept away by him.

"Later." He murmured making quick work of manoeuvring his body between her thighs. "I need this..."

"I know..." She breathed her voice shaky and uncertain. "But we need to talk." She gently pressed the palm of her hand against the centre of his chest. Her fingers brushing gently against the delicate material of his dress shirt, the material cool against her heated hand.
Taking the side of her bottom lip between her teeth she waited patiently for Salvatore to side with reason. There was so much they needed to discuss, so many ongoing issues left out in the open slowly chipping away at their newly made progress.

Taking a step back, Salvatore groaned bringing his hands over his face then through his immaculately styled hair. The last twenty-four hours had been rough, he wasn't sure if he even had it in him to talk.
Turning his back on her, he paced deeper into the room back and forth, back and forth considering the next words to escape his mouth. Being torn apart by his family suddenly didn't seem so bad.

"So I'll start." Adriana suddenly stated as she readjusted her attire. Taking the hem of her dress, she pulled it back down and over her thighs before sliding off the vanity table.
"I didn't sleep with him Salvo, I'd admit to it if I did."

"He sure made it sound like you did."

"I'm not lying. I was going to sleep with him, that's the honest truth. I wanted too, I needed to forget you."

"Why?" He snapped back abruptly. If she was so willing to be honest he wanted to hear it all.

"I needed control. I know it doesn't make sense to you, it probably never will. The feelings you brought out in me towards you scared me." Putting on a brave face she momentarily stopped to collect her thoughts. She knew this was difficult to hear on his behalf. He hadn't done a thing but love her and she was revealing that she had inadvertently punished him for it.
"I made a mistake; I'd love to tell you if I could turn back time I'd make another decision. But I wouldn't Salvo. I wasn't in a good place at the time; I didn't get to a good place until my meetings." Making her way towards the single bed covered in a light lavender floral number, she took a seat on the edge still focusing her attention on him he now stood back up against a wall, hands aptly shoved in his pockets.
"I still have difficulties, I'm not cured, but I'm healing and I want to be with you. You don't get to shut me out and not hear me out Salvo, that's not how relationships work." Pausing momentarily she waited for a response, any contribution to the conversation, but he remained silent and pensive.
"You don't get to be angry at me Salvo and get drunk with other women. You can be angry, you can be upset, but if you want us to work you don't get to do that. You don't get to run to Elena when I was right there willing to talk."

"You seem sure of yourself." Salvatore's response now came quickly but surprisingly without any antagonism.

"I went to the office Salvo; you left two scotch glasses in the room along with two cocktail glasses. You certainly weren't drinking alone."

"Maybe I had some drinks with Luca?" He offered this time a little more sarcastically than called for.

"Yes of course, Luca made you a cocktail then you both sat down and he taught you how to make floral arrangements."

"That's ridiculous!"

"My point exactly, just be honest with me! I'm sick of having this conversation Salvo; this is the last time I'm going to ask you. Do you want to be with her?" Pushing off bed to rise to her feet she strode across the room with purpose. "Tell me!" She pushed raising her voice for the first time now.

"NO!" Raising his voice back, he took two steps forward meeting her halfway. Raising his right hand up he wound it quickly around her head securing her in place, tilting her head forcing her to lock eyes with him as he sternly stared back at her. "You drive me crazy Adriana! When that guy walked in, it took everything in me to not beat his despicable head into my bar. I wanted to make him bleed Adriana, the thought that he touched you that way made me sick!"

"I love you Salvo." She emphasised rocking from her heels to her tippy toes before pushing forward and smacking her lips to his. Feeling his fingers entwine through her hair and massage the back of scalp.

"I love you Adriana..." Releasing her lips he remained with his forehead firmly pressed against hers. "Move in with me."


"Take the next step with me. Move in with me. It makes sense."

Detaching her forehead from his Adriana inhaled a long steady breath. This was just like him to be so impulsive, the complete opposite of what she was comfortable with. She would plan, weigh out the pros and cons, try to imagine herself in the situation before bringing it to light.
Salvatore on the other hand rarely gave his ideas involving her a second thought. Although she found this slightly refreshing knowing that he was so sure about their relationship, his impulsiveness was exactly what continued to sway him towards Elena. Like a double edged sword, she didn't know what to make of it.


"Don't say no!" Taking her hands within his own he gave them an encouraging squeeze relishing in her closeness. "Let's just do it, it makes sense."

"Let me think about it. I'm not saying no; just let me think about it."


Hey hey hey!!! Ok I have a confession to make... This  chapter was short and realistically it was supposed to be longer but seriously I've been sick/under the weather for so long now that I haven't been able to focus on the wonderful world of wattpad.

As I sit here typing I'm riddled with fever so I apologize in advance if I'm not making sense!

In the next chapter we fast forward a few weeks and Adriana's answer is revealed... Along with a bit of a fun side of her... But that's all I can reveal for now.
I'd like to promise that you will all receive the next update soon, trust me you guys deserve it! But I don't  know when I'll be on the road to recovery! 

Fingers crossed it's soon - maybe someone could make me some sort of yummy warm healing soup? =D

Comment and Vote and I shall hopefully be with you guys sooner rather than later x

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