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Chapter Song

Bloodstone – Guy Sebastian


With her hands firmly gripped on the edge of communal bathroom counter, she looked up at herself in the murky mirror. The slight cracks on the edges just another item to add to her list of things that triggered her OCD in this place.

You're fine. Everything is fine. Just one more day...

Adriana didn't dare to speak the words out loud; instead she repeated the mantra in her head. Just like she did every morning for the past thirty-three days.

Thirty-three days of confinement, bland meals, limited fresh air, a shower with an audience. This was going to break her.

Just like he had promised her, Salvatore continued to fight for her release every single day. He had promised her the best lawyer in the city, but when she had officially been charged with killing an NYPD Officer, the best lawyer in New York was no longer enough.
So he put together the best team of lawyers, one of which he even recruited from Europe.

"Move it cop killer!" A familiar voice breaking her from her morning routine.

Cop Killer, Abandonato, Fish, Mob Whore...

They were the names attached to her now; it was a rarity to hear her real name anymore.

How Cop Killer was even an insult in a prison she didn't understand, in fact she believed she could use it to her advantage.

"I'm not done..." Adriana seethed through her teeth speaking to the woman and her follower through the reflection of the mirror not even gracing them by turning to acknowledge them directly.

"You're done. BEAT IT!" The same woman bellowed, her voice echoing throughout the cubicles. "How many times do I have to tell you Guĩnȅȧ Trash?"

That was a new one...

"You're mob entitlements mean shĩt in here... When are you going to learn?"

"What did you just call me?" Removing her hands from the counter, Adriana turned to face the women while three other women behind them made a quick dash out the bathroom doorway. Actual doors clearly prohibited in the women's prison.

"What? You got a hearing disability?" Her friend chuckling behind her in support. "Guĩnȅȧ. Trash!" She smiled after placing all her emphasis on both words taking a taunting step closer to Adriana.
She was showing her authority. Making sure Adriana knew who was boss here.

Things had changed considerably for Adriana; she was in prison after all.

Don't let them walk over you...

Salvatore's voice still clear as day in her mind. He had warned her from the very beginning, told her to keep her head down and wait patiently, not to initiate any problems with anyone. But if anyone came at her, to show them who was boss.

It's you or them, don't you forget that!

So she didn't forget it as she came charging forward with a firmly closed fist to the woman's face. Her knuckles connecting with her nose cracking it open with one single firm thrust upwards.

"DON'T YOU EVER!" She emphasised clearly drawing her fist backwards before opening her hand and gripping them both around the neck line of the women's prison uniform. "Call me that again!" She warned coming face to face to her, blood dripping down her mouth and chin, droplets hitting the faded bathroom floor.
Adriana kept her grip firm, taking her eyes off the groaning woman to stare down her friend who had still made no attempt to move.

"You. Guĩnȅȧ. Bĩtch!" Finally snapping out of her initial shock the second woman came forward grabbing a fist full of Adriana's pony tail, gripping it fiercely before jolting her head to the side forcing her grip to loosen on the uniform just enough for the bleeding inmate to break free, elbowing Adriana under the chin temporarily winding her in the process.

"FÜCK YOU!" Adriana screamed swinging her arms to ensure distance between the both of them while she took in gasps of air.

"When will you learn?" The bleeding woman questioned with a sadistic grin sprawled across her face. "You're nothing inside these walls!" She claimed with a swift backhand to Adriana's face.

"When will you learn?" Adriana spat back defiantly. "I don't need to be beyond these walls to get to your family!" Using Salvatore as a shield she knew a beat down was coming. But just like she promised him, she would fight, every day until he came for her.


And that's a wrap!!!

I wanted to keep this short and sweet guys, I've never actually written an epilogue EVER before and I wasn't feeling a long drawn out thing. I just wanted to get straight to the point. Adriana Di Dio is in prison! It's real, this isn't a nightmare, she has gone away for a crime she has commited! 

Shocking right!?

I love the attached song too, I think it's so fitting when you see from from both Ade and Salvo's POV - she's trying to stay loyal, he's trying to get her out... But who's gonna crack first?

So what's the third book about? Screams in New York... Guess you're all just gonna have to follow me and wait for that one to be released mwahahahahaha

Soon... Oh so freaking soon! 

Remember, I put my all into first chapters so I can assure you an explosive start =D

Now let's blow up this book with comments and votes if you want more, more, MORE!


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