~Chapter 48~

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Chapter Song

I'm So Sorry – Imagine Dragons


Almost two of Salvatore's longest days had gone by after leaving the hospital with a very silent Adriana. Half way through the second day and she still remained very much silent, occasionally responding to him very briefly with please and thank yous or leaving Salvatore's side to lock herself in the bathroom to wallow and cry. That was very much the extent of her vocabulary these days.
He was struggling to get through to her, to have her share any information and now some NYPD detectives were on their way to his home to interrogate his girlfriend.

He had explained over and over again that if she knew anything, anything at all, she couldn't reveal the information to them. They weren't going to be the ones to bring Luca to justice, not if he had his way.

Now he remained stuck between a rock and a hard place. NYPD on their way along with possibly an even bigger issue, Adriana's parents had cut their vacation short and were headed home to see their daughter.

After realising the amount of missed calls from the hospital that day and calling back to receive information about their daughter being present during a homicide, they packed up their things and went straight to the closest airport. This was harder than it would have been had they been in a major city, but unfortunately they were stuck on a few surrounding islands off the coast of Sicily.

As Adriana wouldn't even care to answer her phone, Salvatore took the liberty to keep in contact with them, assuring them she was safe, just very much in shock.
This wasn't how their first communications should have taken place. In fact this was probably the worst possible way to initiate speaking to and meeting her parents. Clearly they knew their daughter would have no reason to witness a homicide on her own accord and automatically would have assumed Salvatore had something to do with this, drawn her in somehow.

But right now all he could focus on was the NYPD; he would deal with the parents when they got here.

"Ade, baby." He gently addressed her as she walked into the main room aimlessly. "Are you going to eat something before they arrive? Stefano dropped off some spinach and ricotta cannelloni, his mother made them, she's a good cook."

"No thank you..." She responded in almost a whisper; her politeness still on point. On cue her stomach annoyingly grumbled loudly. She couldn't actually remember when her last meal was, or if she had even consumed anything on her plate last night. She remembered shuffling her food back and forth while Salvo made small talk with basically himself.

"Come on..." He begged, "You're starving! You need more than just water and coffee, even just a little bit... Anything at this point!" Without further conversation he made his way to the kitchen, opened the oven and retrieved the small tray of cannelloni he had heating on a low.
"Sit." He instructed motioning over to the table with his free hand.

Adriana watched on a little surprised by the way her boyfriend had been acting these last few days. The fact that he even knew how to turn the oven on was surprising to her. Sure he had a signature dish, his delicious ragù. But that was as far as his cooking skills would go, and it was all prepared on the stove top, not the oven.
She watched as he opened up almost every drawer before finally finding a spatula to serve the cannelloni. He scooped up a very large looking piece carefully sliding it onto one of the plates. It was far too much for one serving but she didn't interrupt, there was no point, he'd only argue about the fact that she hadn't eaten in days now.

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