~Chapter 34~

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Chapter Song

Mad Love – The Veronicas


"Now what?" Salvatore tilted his head to the side staring tentatively at the broccoli and onions lightly sizzling in the frying pan. He was sure the wine came next, but the last thing he wanted to do was throw something in the pan which didn't belong. He was sure Adriana would have an aneurism, but not before brutally murdering him within the apartment walls. She was serious about this cooking business!

"Pour the white wine in." She confirmed rather patiently. "But be careful, it's alcohol and heat remember?" She continued to stir in her sugar syrup to the measuring jug of espresso shots she had just finished preparing.

"What are you making?" He pushed the vegetables around the pan stepping back when a flame very briefly appeared as a result of pouring in possibly too much wine at the one time. He made a mental note to take her seriously next time.

"I think you need to pay attention to what you're making." Adriana's voice becoming a little sterner this time around. There was no way she was going to let him ruin their vegetable mixture. It was becoming quite clear that Luca was far more confident in the kitchen than Salvatore was.
Covering her espresso mixture with cling wrap, she made her way past Salvatore, opened the fridge, and set the jug down before closing the fridge and making her way to the front door as the buzzer sounded.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Luca barged into the apartment continuing to apologise profusely. He lifted the small white cardboard box in his hands as a peace offering. "I have pasticcini secchi to make it up to you!" Flashing her a mischievous smile, he handed over the goods as they walked towards the kitchen finally noticing Salvatore standing with his back to him stirring away in what looked like casual wear.
"Ahhh..." Luca made a confused sound before reverting back to apology mode. "Shĩt!" He swore capturing Salvatore's attention as he tilted his head around to flash him a curious glance. He remained with the wooden spoon in hand stirring like a good kitchen soldier. "Sorry am I interrupting? I can go?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Adriana rolled her eyes walking by him to place the Italian style cookies on the bench. "Salvo is joining us for lunch."

"Salvo seems to be doing the entire lunch making at the moment!" He responded flicking his head back around unimpressed. "You didn't tell me I'd be doing all the work!"

"Oh please!" She retorted back immediately. "While you've been stirring vegetables I made the dough and started dessert so don't get me started!"

"What can I do boss?" Luca emptied his pockets placing his phone, keys and wallet at the corner of the kitchen bench.

"I'll go get the dough!" Adriana announced with a smile walking in the direction of her bedroom. "I'd say it's risen enough by now. Oh and..." As the distance grew between them she began to yell across the apartment. "DON'T CALL HIM BOSS TODAY, YOU'RE NOT WORKING!"

Emerging with three balls of dough wrapped in tea towels Luca couldn't help but look confused. "Yeah... You're gonna have to explain why those," he pointed to the dough. "Were in your room."

"Because." Salvatore pipped up before Adriana even had the chance to consider answering. "My girlfriend is crazy and insisted they needed to be placed in her bed to help them rise." He turned off the heat to the frying pan. "Even though I told her the oven has a perfectly capable dough setting..."

"Well that's not how my nonna does it!" Adriana spat placing the dough down before reaching into the bag of flour and scattering a substantial amount across the bench.

"Of course she didn't." Salvatore agreed whole heartedly. "Because technology wasn't this advanced back in her day."

"You mean your day?" She teased poking her tongue out like a misbehaving small child. "Now halve all three of these and roll them out nice and thin while I set the table."

Spending the afternoon with both Salvatore and Luca had turned out to be a blessing in disguise. There had been a little tension starting off, especially when Salvatore had insisted Luca continue to call him boss, asserting his authority to the situation even after Adriana had repeatedly scolded him. It was a battle she couldn't and most certainly was not ever going to win. There were a few things she could casually manipulate Salvatore into doing, backing off on his men was not one of those.
However, after they had gotten past that particular hurdle, Adriana noticed a change in the pair. They were actually working together like they did every day during their work lives. She watched on as the pair placed one layer of round dough in the bottom of a pie tin, scoop the vegetable mixture over the top, scatter a substantial amount of cheese before placing the second circular dough over the top. A classic Sicilian peasant dish called Schiacciata.
Sooner rather than later she would have them working side by side together out of a food truck.

As per usual, Luca had remained the perfect gentlemen. Although the business relationship with Salvatore was indeed restored and he had resumed his normal duties, when it came to his friendship with Adriana, Salvatore at times showed slight animosity. But Adriana was determined to keep her foot down on the subject and refused to cut all ties.
It was exactly what Salvatore needed in a woman. Someone just as strong headed as he was. Someone who showed him no mercy and treated him as an equal.

Even before his father had been murdered, Salvatore had become accustomed to a certain type of respect. Once he became officially in charge, everyone practically fell over themselves to please him. He was the boss after all.
Adriana however remained neutral with him. She had never been one to obsess over any man or change the person she was. She was sure it was due to the fact her first and only boyfriend had sexually assaulted her and tainted her chances of trusting any men what-so-ever.

For a long time, she had felt that allowing herself to fall into a relationship with Salvatore would mean he would possess all the power over her. She was sure if she let him, he would do just that without even realizing it.
From the moment they had met, she knew he was trouble. After all, they had met in lock up. He was possessive and in her opinion, at times over exercised his authority over everyone. What she was only recently realizing, she in fact possessed some authority over him. The more time they spent together, the more she was beginning to realize that she had been wrong about him all along. He had loved her far before he had even admitted it out loud to her. No other man had ever persisted and put up with her craziness. Only him. It had only ever been him.


"We got that L-O-V-E, the kind that makes you mad... I put up with your crazy, cause I'm your better half... I think I like the challenge, because I love to win...  You know you got the talent, pressing all my buttons in..."

Don't mind me over here just bopping to the song like a crazy person!!!

So yeah yeah it's short, but as promised this is my second update... and who knows? If my mood continues this way I may just update a third time even though we're still well under 500 votes for the last few chapters... Yeah I'm def crazy!

So not much happening in this chapter, just some good old normal time... Enjoy it while it lasts, I intend to take you all on a plane ride you all wish you never got onto...

You're emergency exits are here *does the airline hostess double hand point to the front* and here *turns and points to the back* secure those seat belts ladies and gentlemen, we're heading into some turbulence...


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