~Chapter 23~

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Chapter Song

All the Right Moves – One Republic

"We'll fight for you like we were your soldiers..."


Jason alternated between pushing and pulling against everyone handling him. He found himself surrounded by men he had never met before. Until he very briefly locked eyes with Luca recognizing him instantly.

"YOU!" He screamed out at him angrily, Luca completely ignoring the empty threats he continued to blurt out.
"Where are you fùckers taking me?" Jason growing frustrated as the silent men continued to forcefully remove him from the club area dragging him to a back room where Elena and her girls were having a brief meeting.

"Out." Luca instructed firmly barging into the room.

"Luca what the he-" Elena began to protest jumping out of her seat.

"Elena, get yourself and your girls out of here. Now. I won't tell you again."

"Hey!" Jason called out to her, "help me out here!" A desperate look in his eyes before receiving a blow to his abdomen from Stefano who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying taking out some of his frustration out on Jason.

"I hope you struggle the whole way through this." He smiled crouching down to the ground to Jason's level while the other men restrained him by his arms. "I haven't had time to attend my boxing classes, so please, by all means, keep giving me a reason."

As Luca urged the ladies out the large double sliding doors, strongly encouraging them to source out another free room, Stefano continued to taunt their prisoner wanting nothing more than the ok to finish the job.

"Off the ground and into the chair." Luca instructed the men who didn't ask questions and simply pulled Jason to his feet before dropping him down into the seat.
Luca made his way to corner cupboard behind him and to the right of the doors. He opened the top drawer rummaging through for a few seconds before hearing Stefano call out behind him.

"Middle drawer Luca."

He closed the drawer shut moving his attention to the middle smiling successfully reaching for a few cable ties making his way back to the action.
"Restrain his hands behind his back." He handed the cable ties over to one of the men as he and Stefano watched on tentatively enduring the relentless swearing and accusations Jason offered.
The two men very casually lit cigarettes leaning up against the opened double doors.

"You people are fùcked up!" Jason screamed out at them wincing in pain once feeling the burning pain of the cable ties cutting into his flesh. "What the fùck are we even doing here?"

"Waiting." Luca stated offering him an explanation.

"Waiting for what?" Jason seethed taking in a deep breath from his nose trying to push the pain to the back of his mind.

"For direction Jason. Our boss has something to attend too. Don't worry, he'll get to you I'm certain of that tonight."

"You mean that little fùcking ice princess Adriana? That who he's attending too? Want some useful information your boss can benefit from?"

"And what information is that exactly Jason?" Luca queried uninterested blowing out a long thick breath of smoke into the air.

He smiled to himself chuckling deeply. "Tell your boss, if he wants to get his dìck wet he's gonna have to force it into her tight little cùn-"

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